What do you plan to do exactly though? Also, would you be able to create that wallet on your own, although it will probably take time to make it look realistic and it also sounds fishy that you are asking for an address that has done transactions because that seems to me can work for scammers too.
I don't have the money to make a bitcoin wallet just to make a few transactions seem realistic, I want the wallet to be unused, I will put it in the veracrypt encrypted file with a weak password, and another veracrypt file with a strong password, 64 characters all set , to never decrypt it just to waste time and money, I hope to rent powerful servers and not discover anything, so a wallet that has some transactions and is only used is the bait.
I'm not like Jim Browning, I'm a beginner.
I commented on this post in his (Jim Browning) youtube channel under my full name, so ...