he flip-flopped
You mean flip-flop as in tailoring your position according to the available data? Rather than, say, starting at one ideological position when no data are available, and then resolutely sticking to it come what may, facts and evidence be damned, because the absolute best decision you can ever make is to never ever respond to evidence?
"Flip-flopping" is what science is built upon. Anything else is mindless zealotry.
I wouldn't have thought this level of retardation to be possible.
A real scientist will not 'flip-flop' a lot because the 'flip' phase should be absent. That is to say, they should not take a position which is stronger than the available evidence in the first place.
If a careless scientist has made a mistake and concluded something incorrectly, and new properly done SCIENCE demonstrates the error, then yes, the appropriate action is to 'flop' and document carefully and transparently why and how the mistake was made. In doing so the whole field of science moves forward.
A person like Dr. Fausti flip-flops regularly, and it's as obvious as the nose on one's face that it is nearly 100% political and financial. When I person claims that '
going against me is going against science', you can be certain that there are some pretty twisted things going on around him and within his mind. That's what we have with Fausti and he is distinctly not the kind of person the peeps want as a line of protection in the health field. That's what Kary Mullis said (before his untimely death a few month before the plandemic operation was kicked off) but I didn't need Mullis to see this obvious reality.
Fausti IS exactly the kind of bureaucrat that the financial powers want in his position for a major democide operation, and that's why his is there. He proved his metal in many minor ones previously and developed a warehouse sized closet full of skeletons in doing so. He's also something like 80 years old so he can be flushed when he's become to much of a liability. My guess is that that point is fast approaching, but I'm surprised he's still there quite frankly.