I see, so because I some times watch humorous things I get all of my information from memes. Is that your logic? BTW check the name, its Dawkins. Next time you are being a condescending twat trying to source an author spell his name right.
"So, if you’re serious about your anti-fascism, now’s the time to load up on silly string, ski goggles, masks, hard knuckle gloves, and whatever you make those milkshakes with. POG might be on the run at the moment, but there’s an election season coming up, so we need to be prepared for anything. The important thing is to remain hysterical, and to be ready to respond to whatever emotional stimuli the ruling classes wave in our faces. The fate of democracy hangs in the balance."
http://www.unz.com/chopkins/the-united-states-of-fascism-hysteria/sorry, you're right. thanks. I read his book many years ago. people often go to grammar and semantics when they don't have anything else. THANK YOU. at least it's not copy + paste from another far right clone blog. they have tons with the same layout it's funny. they don't even make a brand cause there are tons of these clones. and tons of bots to share their crap. "independent media" they say. Merica needs education and won't come from these blogs.
people really get hurt in protests, i dont call that hysteria. it's not Counter Strike
I understand each person has his own experiences and perceptions....
now try this
https://eand.co/fascisms-happening-in-america-because-america-doesn-t-understand-fascism-b1aeb101fc77before you protest, this is an individual blog, not a corporate clone pretending to be independent.
So your only retort to the points made in the article is sarcasm and to say that your source is better than my source because it is "more independent"?
BTW I read your article, it was not only horribly written, it holds no logic. His whole argument is that America is becoming fascist because the economy is stalling and there is wealth inequality. He rambles on about concentration camps and other pathetically transparent cliches and hyperbole in a vain attempt to try to give this turd of an article substance. To top it all off, what he is really describing is the results of Socialism and Communism overtaking this nation, calling it fascist, then using this resentment to attack what remains of the institutions that are still managing to hold this country together. It is classic deconstructionism and Critical Theory right out of The Frankfurt School. In fact, looking at his other articles, all of the topics consist of hysterical "chicken little" doomsday anti-American trash. He is the archetypal limp wristed beta male soy boy Commie cuck who caters to people like him who want to be reassured in their hysteria.