There are a ton of links in the 'Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who's sicker?' thread. Including BADecker's original post.
A lot of the links to various studies which tie together the 'pieces of the puzzle' are on PubMed. Surprisingly enough. They will host the likes of Shaw et-al's research into aluminum effects in baby mice and stuff like that.
I just looked through 436 articles on PubMed about Vaccine Infertility and found no relevant results, which is why I figured I'd ask here. I'll take a look at the other thread, but I'm not interested in any articles that don't follow proper research format.
*edit* link in the OP you were talking about is showing as Page not Found, but I'll keep searching.
Would you object to:
- R&D was done to lace tetanus vaccines with hCG in order to act as an abortofacient and/or sterilent in human females?
- The United States state department circulated a paper describing population reduction in resource rich 'least developed countries' as a high priority national security threat which needs urgent action?
- A variety of global organizations have put a great deal of effort and money into solving what they feel to be pressing overpopulation problems?
- The tetanus vaccination protocols used most recently in Kenya were a better match for the research described as necessary for fertility control than for the scourge of tetanus?
- The WHO and other organizations who funded the hCG development would feel ethically bound not to employ the creation that they funded?
Since it is well established that the technique of making women allergic to the hormone necessary to achieve and maintain pregnancy and to do so with tetanus as the carrier, what do you suppose was the overall plan to actually employ this technique? Or do you think that they did the development work just for fun and never had any intention of using it?
For my part I simply find it a vastly stronger hypothesis that these people developed this sterilization technique with every intention of using it, and probably planned on using it covertly from day one.
They did use it on several occasions (with a long-ish break after being caught.)
When caught they did a full court press to cover their asses using all of the (vast) resources at their disposal since almost any normal decent person from almost any culture would find it to be an appalling crime.
I don't think that most of the people who work at the top levels of the U.S. government or the World Health Organization would find it a crime. They are 'enlightened'. Just managing their flocks, so to speak, and 'protecting national security' (e.g., their power structure and the efficiency of it's operation.) But they will be completely aware of how such a program would 'go down' among the normies and it is a giant problem for them.
As a matter of fact this is not by a mile the most unethical thing these people have done. One of the arguments they use among themselves (so I've heard) is that 'war' is an even less ethical way of culling the herds. I cannot say that I would even disagree with that. My main beef is that I'm unconvinced that the herds need culling badly enough to engineer either technique...but then I don't have a vested monetary and control interest in the population density issue. Nor do I believe that there are so many people that most ecosystems are under enormous threat.