Updated OP with upgrade to cgminer 4.6.1 (and 4.6.0 with firmware update).
Which firmware did you use with cgminer 4.6.1?
Was it this one - antMiner_S320140826.bin which it says supports S3+? Is it ok for original S3s as well?
Yes, the latest firmware (for the S3+) will work with an original S3. My S3's are batch 6, which was before the S3+.
Note that after updating the firmware, you will have to re-install 4.6.1 as the firmware still ships with the bitmain cgminer (I think version 3 ..?)
Many thanks. I'll give it a go.
I hope you know the nuasances of updating antminer firmware! Here's a recap that gets a few people.
When you update the firmware, it will re-set the IP to the default one (can't recall, is it ??) and set the network to static IP. So if you have any rigs on that IP, change them before you start.
Also since you'll be updating from a different IP, the UI will keep showing and reporting that it is still updating (in fact it may have already finished!). Thus after a minute or two after initiating the firmware update, open a new browser window and point it to
The first thing you should do after updating and loging in is to change the network back to DHCP client, then you'll be able to download cgminer, else you may (will) get a wget error.