28,800 watts total going 24/7: This includes exhaust fan, switch, router, 3 other box fans
At 10.6 cents per kWH during the summer:
Cost Per Hour: $3.052800
Cost Per Day: $73.267200
Cost Per Week: $512.870
Cost Per Month: $2,051.48
Cost Per Year: $26,669.26
At 12.1 cents per kWH during the summer:
Cost Per Hour: $3.484800
Cost Per Day: $83.635200
Cost Per Week: $585.446
Cost Per Month: $2,341.79
Cost Per Year: $30,443.21
I'm under clocked to approximately 40.2 TH/s average:
With difficulty at 47,610,564,513 and BTC price at $228.044:
BTC per hour: 0.01769 $ 4.034
BTC per day: 0.4246 $ 96.82
BTC per week: 2.972 $ 677.70
BTC per month: 12.74 $ 2,905.00
So, [With present price of bitcoin @ $228.044] I would be fortunate to make $560.00 in a month during the summer and $900.00 in a month during the winter.
If I moved to Washington State to 3.4 cents per kWH after all taxes and fees:
Cost Per Hour: $0.979200
Cost Per Day: $23.500800
Cost Per Week: $164.506
Cost Per Month: $658.02
Cost Per Year: $8,554.29
That would be approximately $2,250.00 profit in one month at present difficulty and price of BTC. That's quite a big difference. That is approximately a 420% increase in profit between there and my present location.