In "turbo" mode when i adjust fan to a static 80 or 85%, miner does not show any hashing speed on multiple window refreshes (yes, I waited 5-10 min for initial load).
Most likely, the machine still hashes, but i don't see anything shown on the panel.
I decided to try static speed just to make sure that i can load modded firmware (efudd or smartass111), but now not sure that it is worth a try.
Does modded soft have "balanced" and "turbo" or just a pulldown menu for various speeds?
In other words, is there a pulldown menu or you enter mhz by some other means?
Biodom, are you using Awesomeminer to manage your miner by chance? There are some conditions in awesome miner as it manages these where the status page will no longer work and just be blank, yet the data can be returned from the API.
As far as the modified, my current version supports 500-650 in 5Mhz increments and also allows selection of 651-700 in 1Mhz increments all via the web page/pulldown.