One thing to keep in mind when choosing assets if you are considering changes in exchange rate is whether the asset is more correlated with BTC value or fiat (USD) value. Pure BTC bonds, such as the BTCST passthroughs, as well as TEEK.A and .B etc are fully correlated with BTC value.
Mining assets tend to be more correlated with fiat value, because when the BTC exchange rate increases, difficulty tends to increase as well. Also, even if denominated in MH/s, mining bonds or shares represent a certain amount of mining hardware (and possibly prepaid costs, such as electricity and depreciation, which are denominated in fiat), the value of which correlates more closely to fiat values.
Some assets are a mixture. BIB.BVPS is probably more correlated to fiat values, because their costs and the sales, while paid in BTC, correlated with fiat values.
If you are aiming for a mixture of BTC and fiat exposure, it is good to know what type of investment an asset represents. If you wish to maintain a certain level of exposure to the bitcoin price, you can hedge investments in "fiat-correlated" assets by buying more bitcoin in an amount corresponding to your investment, or by taking a leveraged position (e.g. POLY.10.1).
Disclosure: The author operates assets on GLBSE and holds investments in some of the assets mentioned in this post.