Rule 1 of reddit: don't reveal you're a girl.
Rule 2 of reddit: Refer to rule 1.
It wasn't gross messages that bothered me, it was how patronising and condescending the users all were. I have done my research and whilst by no means am I an expert, I feel well versed enough in Bitcoin to be talking about it in real life to friends and peers. In real life that is met with vague interest (and a lot of eyerolls given Bitcoins reputation on the surface) but despite this, its a topic they seem to respect my knowledge in. Try to talk about it online though and somehow it feels like 'boys club' whilst they simultaneously complaining theres no girls to talk to.
Have other girls in the forum had similar experiences? I mean surely theres a reason theres such a small online presence of girls on these kinds of forums?
There is no discrimination of male / Female in bitcoin. Even by this post, there is no proof that you are a boy or a girl.
Anyways if you feel discomfortable in disclosing on the forums that you are a girl , then you have done the same mistake here