Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan had earlier said that Bitcoin was a Fraud. But a month later (the beginning of this month) he had stated that he regretted what he said about Bitcoin earlier.
Also, all hue and cry about Crypto currency ban in South Korea came out to be a FUD only. Last week it was made clear that major South Korean Banks were planning to open crypto currency exchanges of their own. So all this was just a game to get the price down so that the first of its kind : Bitcoin futures were to to make gains only for the BEARS and who were the those BEARS actually : THESE BANKS. They made a booty there and then they have positioned themselves now at the lowest level possible to acquire Bitcoin and Ethereum at these levels. First, they grabbed your Bitcoin/ETH by selling you a dream token: RIPPLE ( which was all along sponsored by the BANKS).
Overall, the clouds are clearing now and path to flight above is getting clearer with every passing day. Bitcoin will again follow a resounding upward movement and so will ETH. Can't say much the same about Ripple ( as it has been exposed now to be anti-crypto).
Crypto lovers, you are warned not to shelve or offload your BTC or ETH for the love of coins which promise adherence to regulation or banking guidelines. Let it all be CRYPTO. Bitcoin cannot be damned. But yes, it can damn everything in its path.
Banks and government are now trying to play catchup with the market and will use any and all tools at their disposal to get there