it's now "fulfilled", afaik that means its shipped. I can't believe.
Can anyone confirm another 2012 jala order to be fulfilled the last 3 days?
Keep us updated if you get any tracking info.
it looks like it was a scam on the german forums
Doesn't surprise me, people are trying to smear BFL to make them look worse than they are, (don't get me wrong, BFL have terrible customer relations so far) but there seems to be strongs campaigns against BFL especially on these forums, that kind of reminds me of the propaganda stunts the rebels are using against the government in Syria atm: "Rebels accuse BFL of using chemical weapons"
So that would make BFL the Assad regime? Terrible analogy.
Some people here have sat through 10 months of BFL smoke and mirrors. Others, who have only ever read the Butterflylabs website & forums, just arrived yesterday.