On the NXT take-off.....the problem with most crypto's is that they are completely useless, except as an instrument for speculation.
There are only a handful of cryptos that actually have useful features.
NXT is working very hard on building up a complete financial eco-system, and a lot of that work is going to start paying off in the next few weeks as features and projects come to maturity and go live. AE was just the start, there's a hell of a lot to come yet.
I hope so EvilDave. I think its a great concept and hopefully they can take it pretty for based on the firepower they've accumulated.
Now everyone and their mother is starting a coin with a decentralized exchange but really NXT should be flattered because they were one of the first innovators of the idea.
I agree with your statement about the uselessness of cryptos. Most devs aren't even trying anymore to pretend their coin will eventually have some real-world application.
I did rake in some sweet doges in a few world cup matches, but other than that, yeah coins in general are more just like collectors mementos.
Actually asset issuance was first made by Ripple (its Ripples native function). But in Ripple is fully decentralized, if you issue an asset in Ripple you can choose in which currency to trade it (or make your own currency to trade it), in which order books to be and which fees to use for trading (or no fees at all). It was made almost 2 years ago.
Native functions of Ripple: Instant transactions, asset issuance, gateways, currency issuance etc etc...sounds familiar with Nxt development? ---> we want to create instant transactions, asset issuance, we want to create gateways, we want to create monetary system (fancy name for currency issuance)....if there was no data storage coins (from which next copied digital goods store) you can pretty much say that only thing they do is try to copy Ripple with fancy names included and extremely bad programming (in ripple asset trading is instant, gateways are decentralizzed and not run by devs even you can be your own gateway etc etc).
Now Ripple introduced Smart Contracts https://ripple.com/blog/smart-oracles-building-business-logic-with-smart-contracts/ wait till Nxt copies that and gives it some fancy name like "von Clevernous of Contractorous" lol
EDIT: oh and I forgot aliases...also copy from ripple