Thank you, you really are just proving my points but carry on...btw i'm all for less hype, fact is though i have not even asked for your idea in private all i have done as a community member is tell you i'm not for more coins. I gave you an option to add your idea to an already established coin you have not once replied in a concise and specific fashion
to that offer and thats ok now because i'm afraid that you are no where near being in the league to deal with the one hell of a shit storm you are about to embark on. You are clearly afraid someone will ruin it for you, not even considering the fact if someone wants to ruin it they will do it now or in the future. you are clearly not any kind of decent entrepreneur considering the fact you disagree that if you have an idea and have the plan pretty much laid out you are league ahead of anyone and you just don't realize that the cost vs the benefit of someone pulling out before you is nill to none.
I am clearly afraid someone will ruin it for me? No. I know that someone will take this idea, the coin name, and destroy it if I was to post that info. It's a great fucking idea, and someone could launch a horrible version of it in less than 12 hours as a shitty pump and dump.
For the record, I've been successfully self employed for 3 years living downtown in the most expensive city in Canada. I'd say I'm doing pretty alright as an entreprenuer, but that's just my opinion.
Sorry moron, but that by definition is an opinion. Not a fact.
NDA ok thats going to stop someone from stealing your fantastic idea, come on. stopping someone from stealing your idea and ruining it
It doesn't stop them. The idea is good, and if they steal it and run and make a lot of money from it, well that NDA gives me grounds for a lawsuit that would have been started at launch. But what do I know, right? That's just the law.
is to be transparent to the community float your idea and you have timestamped claim to it if that even matters.
I don't care about the claim to fame. I care about making a successful coin for a specific industry that would use one. I don't care about credit, I care about this idea not being wasted on some shitty pump and dump scam.
pfft i'm not even going to wast more time on you..
Yes you will.
you clearly don't get anything about what you are trying to achieve here.
Yes I do. Do you realize you are right now trying to tell me that you get what I'm trying to achieve? How does that even make sense?
You just wreak of fail..ill bet my entire crypto career on the fact that you will en devour to release yet another coin focused on one industry set to benefit mainly you.
I don't work in the industry that stands to benefit from the coin. While yes, I will get rich from this, that'll be the result of a lot of hard work and dedication. But solid bet man, you seem like a truly great person.
you will fail this because you are firstly missing the fact that an investor looks for security in a coin. that security is its miner base, something you don't even think is important, and if that is the case maybe you should try and get Microcash you even know know of that notion or are you completely blind in what you're diving into here? I believe the latter and i'm willing to stake my career on you going about this the wrong way ill say it again because you don't seem to be getting it
Man, you're willing to bet your career on just about anything. I'm sure lead burger flipper will make you a huge return, but you might want to hold on to that. The fact is, miners aren't important, nor are they who you should focus on. That's why all of these coins are pump and dump fails. What matters is that there is a demand for the coin in circulation, not that some fucks on the internet are creating thousands and thousands of them daily to sell off for something completely unrelated to the coin. The fact that you don't understand even that basic idea makes you such a laughable joke.
If you want to make a COIN for the masses then you are in the right place
I don't.
if you want to make a coin for a service
I don't.
then ask for the talent to help you realize it and pay them for that service.
I am.
you are assuming one hosts the coin, they do not
Hahahahaha. I was referring to if I used one of the shitty coin gens, which would be a very last resort. Nice try though.
Secondly you want it in the hands of the people who will use it first (your words not mine) then you will give it to the community"..errrrrg bad move again...Unfortunately i will see you fail, i hope i'm wrong but i'm sure you will soon see what i'm talking about.
The funniest part about this is you still think you know what you're talking about. You don't even know the concept for the coin. Since I've come up with it, since it doesn't exist on the market today, since no coins currently announced are talking about doing what I want to do, I'm going to have to strongly assume that you do not have a clue what you're talking about.
You're great, this is the best. I feel like I'm Jimmy Kimmel and you're Rob Ford.