With vouch your market sell will more trusted and buyer will feel its worth of it.
Im not apps maker but who know one day i need this product to build my own apps. But without vouch i need think alot of times if gonna buy or not.
So find some member that are in trusted list to vouch this product for you.
Would you like a vouch Nick? It's actually quite fun. You don't need to be an app builder to use it. You don't need to know any code either. There's a boat load of videos out there as well - and you can also sign up at seattleclouds for free and access all of their tutorials.
If you want a vouch let me know. Since you were the one to mention it - I will be happy to give you one
I am only giving ONE VOUCH out - However I will give the first 25 people who want to purchase this a "First 25 in the door TRIPLE 7 PRICING"
It will be the first time I've allowed this price "out of the bag" - so NICK - give it a whirl with a vouch i'll provide you with, and FIRST 25 PAY ONLY: $7.77 for your membership
Send: 0.02 btc ------> 1FZyXx4VC7KYF39JKJnaxjAAz8nakWa1e6 and report back to thread for activation.
I would like to take it for $7.7 do you offer PP payment?