Since you have tagged him, there is no need removing it, but I want you to know that the final decision still falls bounty manager, he is the one in charge of the campaign, and as such it is his responsibility to look into issues like this, he is the one that will check and confirm of a truth, that the user in question entered the video bounty with your content, he is the one to nullify that user's entry and deny him payment, he is the one to decide whether to ban him from participating in future bounties, it is also his responsibility to report him to DT members so that they can tag him, with the tag from DT members, no other bounty manager will accept the user in to his or her campaign in the future,..
So in conclusion, what I am saying in essence is that, your tag has little to no effect on the user, until bounty manager and DT members step in.
Yes, it is a bounty manager's duty to take action against abuse like banning the user from their future bounty or reporting to reputation thread so a more severe action can be taken against the abuser, but it's every members's right --or should I say "duty"-- to report the same abuses of forum rules if they found it and leave a negative tag if they deemed it necessary, disregarding their DT status.
Since OP is directly involved on this case,
as the victim, I think he has the full right to not trusting
Apt2022 and express it in form of leaving the said feedback. I am failed to see the logic behind, "it is not up to you to tag him with a negative trust." Sorry if I sound rude and consider this an apology in advance if that that what you need to help you swallow the pill, but I simply dumbfounded by that statement.
I am not sure how copyrights works on YouTube, whether the owner of the content has the full rights or they automatically relinguish the right and it is then reserved to youtube, but I am somewhat sure whichever rules applied for ownership of a content on that platform, taking someone's work and claimed it as yours still considered as stealing, and as such, not to be trusted. I am leaving negative tag as well.
OP, if you want to, you can change the thread title from "someone" to "Apt2022" so anyone taking a glance at topic list on this board would get a better understanding of the situation. Second, though I am not sure how he can get out of this situation, I also advised you to at least invite Apt2022 to this thread by PMing him, so he can defend himself or give his side of story. It's an ethical thing to do.