the problem isn't altcoin in itself, but rather stupid and greedy coin dev who think they should clone everyday a new coins.
The level of absurdity has reach an unprecedented level since June.
There are way too many coin and the vast majority are just useless clone with a stupid cloned name such as darkcrapcoin, litecrapcoin, bitcrapcoin, blackcrapcoin and so on. The only reason for these coin to exist is the premine dev can dump (or the ICO dev and p&d accomplice can pump and dump...)
Before April, there was mostly 2 new coins per week (things started to get stupid during Easter holidays), now it is 2 new coins everyday. I am not even looking anymore to announcement, and not mining any of these either...
only a few good coin were produced during that time and they aren't the most successful either... which is kind of sad
You are correct, but the greedy devs are only part of the problem.
The greedy community is a problem, but not only because of greed. It's also because of short-sightedness.
A greedy person would love to buy $28 worth of Bitcoin and sell it for $700,000. If everyone buying altcoins was that kind of greedy, all altcoins would hold their value until they were worth as much as Bitcoin.
If I buy 100,000 altcoins for a total price of $1.00, I usually plan to sell 10,000 for at least 10 times what I paid. If it never sells, then I've only spent $1.00. If it does sell, then I have another 90,000 coins that are already paid for. Why should I sell them for another $1.00, or even $9.00? That's not worth bothering with. So I sell the rest at different prices and I'll still have at least 10,000 saved up in case the price goes over $100. If it never gets that high, I've made a little money anyway, or not, but I'll never be the guy who sold all his Bitcoin for a penny instead of a million dollars. If you want to sell for a penny, fine - but you don't have to sell ALL of it.
So the important question is which coins to take a chance on. Obviously some have a better chance of surviving than others. I had thought that I would trust Poloniex's judgement, added with some critical thinking of my own, and I bought almost any coin they offered. That was a serious mistake on my part. They delisted some coins with potential, while they're still grabbing those temporary sales on shit like BALLS.
But most people seem to agree that the only value a coin has is the value it has RIGHT NOW. Nobody cares about the fact that almost every coin MUST increase in value the longer it survives and gains users. In other words, these coins are 6 months old, and that is the perfect time to buy. It's the worst time to sell, and it's far too soon to abandon. What was the price of Bitcoin when it was 6 months old? And what was the price of Bitcoin after 4 years?