Man, life is about a hundred million things other than Bitcoin. So, no, Bitcoin isn't the most exciting thing in my life. What's more exciting? There are too many to mention.
But, yeah, I talk to a handful of people about Bitcoin. For those who aren't close to me and who aren't closely following Bitcoin-related developments, I'd rather not talk about it. For family members who are also into Bitcoin, I can talk openly. There are also some close friends with whom I can talk about Bitcoin, but I never open it up as a topic to discuss.
Yes, our lives don't revolve around bitcoin alone but I also feel like every time the bull season comes, bitcoin price hits an all time high every day. People around me started talking about it more than anything else, even people who had never invested in bitcoin.
After all, our life revolves around money and as bitcoin prices increase every day it makes people think that making money is easy. So you shouldn't be surprised or upset when people only discuss bitcoin or cryptocurrencies these days.
As for me, I also don't like giving investment advice to anyone, especially outsiders. I can share what I know with them if they are curious, but when it comes to giving advice on whether to invest or not, I will ignore and refuse.