but care to notice the 2018 cliff edge that went BELOW 2016-17 levels
Because 2016 - 2017 was the start and the peak of the hype. Would you say that it will never reach and surpass that level again? Or would you say that the fees will be higher than ever if it surpasses that level? Because it will, and it will have lower fees.
the green curve was within the confines of expectation, even with block limits. (because transactions per block are not at expected "peak" capacity, so you cant say it would platto out due to capacity as the capacity of cores promotion is more than 7tx/s right... while reality at the green/red is not even 3.5tx/s)
oh.. and the ATH spike actually shows that capacity hadnt peaked and actually had more potential.......
but.. as the curve shows the reality of transactions DROPPING at mid 2017
But do you believe that Bitcoin will never surpass those peak numbers of transactions again?
long story short
median can be more scewed and abused than anything.
median has nothing to do with what multiple people spend.
median has nothing to do with what average spend it.
median is just what the SINGLE piggy in the middle spent.(not group, not community. just the single middle)
which can be easily prepared collated and tweaked