Bounty hunters investing time to promote those projects.But still they can´t be investors,they are supporters at least
I think i will choose to call them marketers
It is those that bought the coin or token that are referred to as investors. If you check at the token distribution chart, you will notice that the tokens giving to bounty hunters are part of the marketing. So hunters are not investors although they hold the tokens which is the same as those bought by the investors.
Thanks for the detailed analysis, so bounty Hunters are just marketers
I normally see some crypto projects which promise Investors certain amount of dividend depending on how much coin/token they own.
The word "Investors" is normally used for people who own shares of a particular project/company, but in cryptocurrency this "shares" normally refers to coins/tokens, which makes me wonder if bounty/airdrop hunters are also considered "Investors" since they hold certain quantity of these coins/token
No, these are different things. Bounty hunters are people who earn crypto currency, performing certain tasks, and investors are people who buy crypto currency, investing in it real money
Noted! am sure a project can't exist without it investors but can it exist without bounty Hunters (marketers)