Telegram is the most common place to get scammed as a newbie in gambling, since scammers will always advertise all sorts of stuff and claiming to be real with an edited screenshot to their followers, because the truth of the fact is that whenever you hear people claim to offer those kinds of signals on Telegram or anything, just know it's 100% scam, because I have been a victim to this when I was still a newbie, and I won't like anybody to experience such out of ignorance to these telegram scammers.
In general, there are hundreds of ways one could end up getting scammed in Telegram, because of their lax policy of moderation it has been a messaging apps which harbors anything from pornography, piracy or programs and also groups of people dedicated to betting and gambling.
Honestly, it is already established on my mind that any group or bot related to gambling which is not official (opened by the casino itself) indeed has something to do with a scam or scam-attempt.
Telegram is a good application and tries to bring more people into accepting cryptocurrency through the integration of this own wallet for Ton, USDT and Bitcoin, but unfortunately it will continue to be the home of countless scams and frauds.