If there was an intention to scam anyone, dan could have ran off weeks ago with more than enough in profits.
That's ridiculous with the IPO, canceled IPO, and fairly disingenuous explanation of said cancellation and new IPO on the horizon. However, I don't think that eMunie is a scam. I don't think either outright intend to be, the question is whether or not people might feel cheated afterwards.
The danger I see with eMunie is that very little information on the mechanical details has been released as far as I can tell, though I haven't gone sifting through the entire forum. eMunie might not be the protocol that some people imagine it to be. Regardless, I think the likelihood of it doing well for some time may be high. However, the closer the IPO gets (is there a new date set yet?) without the technical details of the protocol being explained in a legible format should raise the wariness of investors. It's investing into a black box.
Ethereum on the other hand has been more open about the details, however there is very little in code (afaik) and they are/were asking for a ridiculous amount of money to make a protocol that has a lot of buzzwords that sound like cool ideas, but will they have a real near-term impact? My intuition is doubtful on that. It doesn't help that there is not just the IPO, but also setting their organization up with control of a large percentage of the currency. I think the risk of people feeling cheated by Ethereum is much higher.
Well the details are dynamic, they are changing as we speak.
This is the beauty of it all, it isn't a state that someone came up with a theoretical idea and went all in (as cool as it might be), every idea is tested, every option is valued - and in the end the best is taken.
So many technical aspects of the client have changed and might still change, the investment you make it the same as you make in any other coin - based on if you believe this can and will be a big thing.
No one makes you buy into this coin, this is 100% optional and there will be an option to get coins via hatching (similar to mining).
I think if you truly compare eMunie to any other coin (besides bitcoin), you will see that even prior launch, the efforts gone into development are huge - whilst other coins with over $50M in market cap don't have anything that differentiates them from the rest (besides block time / reward size).