You make something and sell it for bitcoin. You take the bitcoin and buy the supplies to make more of what you sell and pay your bills in bitcoin with your profit. That’s the way an economy works. Bitcoin has no economy because of the exchanges.
The minute someone buys a product with bitcoin, BitPay exchanges it for dollars and deposits the dollars in the sellers account. That’s the way to keep the dollar economy going, not the way to build a bitcoin economy.
The problem is, no one really wants bitcoin to work as advertised. No one cares if they can perform a financial transaction without the need for a trusted third party. All any of the worthless fuckers using bitcoin right now care about is getting rich in dollars. Centralized exchanges are necessary for getting rich in dollars. They will always be around.
i think this sort of price speculation is natural. we see it with other technologies (via the companies building them). investors are speculating on future development and utility. bitcoin's ecosystem is rather undeveloped. it could never be self-sustaining at this point, especially since it's inefficient to use for everyday transactions. the actualization of a scalable network ready for mainstream adoption is still very far away.
and yes, the exchanges are never going away. but remember, exchanges and futures markets arose for all commodities (including food/agriculture commodities) for a reason. not just to get rich. the market needs price discovery, and producers need to hedge.
Read all the posted links in this thread and you’ll see that this isn’t natural.