There's a lot of money in trying to get people to believe there's no difference between GMO and non-GMO foods.
Let the markets decide.
No matter what the money spent in advertising is, people do have some basic intelligence.
Most have no clue what is in their food, the mainstream media and schools, etc are lying and brainwashing people to believe that GMOs are completely healthy. Heck the government has passed things saying that are healthy and you can't sue Monsanto... Why would they do that if there Monsanto's products are all perfectly healthy?
Farmers would love to sue for contamination of their fields, but Monsanto wants to sue them for using their patented seeds without permission:
Supreme Court Gives Monsanto Full Ability to Sue Farmers
"...Yes, were talking about the wind or insects carrying GM seeds onto another farm, which to them is considered contamination. But instead of the ability for the farmers to sue for a ruined field, they can be cleaned out in court for not having permission to plant patented seeds...."
It's just sick.