Science says it's all illusions. The term “superstition” refers to frequencies or radio waves from other dimensions that affect people’s emotions. The affected person will be devoid of energy, trance, anxiety, fear, etc. These are psychological problems in science. When the psychological problem is serious, seeing something is called an illusion.
But shouldn't these radio waves be visible to everybody? Why can't we just document these intereferences and make them publicly known? I think if ghosts were real then we would be hearing more about it. If the ghost is only visible to one person then it is probably a psychological problem. For ghosts to be real I would like to see them myself, or atleast on video or a picture. It is the same with Big Foot, many people speak about it but we don't have any real proof that he exists.
Don't be decieved by the so called science... It knows very little. We are spiritual beings. The physical bodies are not real Us but mere vessels we live in to operate in this world. When we die, the spirits are released and are moved to where they deserved to be.
The "evil entity" who lies to people that ghost or spirit doesn't exist knows they actually do exist. In fact, the entity has billions of spirits caged, and he keeps his victims ignorant about this and the spirit world.
Concerning so called big foot, it is either it exist physically or spiritually. Perhaps, people who sight them are doing so in the spirit but thought what they saw was physical. Another possibility is that it's a physical creature but can't really dissappear, Or they are just made up stories or myths.
The Spiritual World exists 100%... we need to be aware about its existence, so that we understand how vulnerable humanity and life generally are without the CREATOR of everything protecting us.
If you are a sinner who isn't saved yet from spiritual prison, you are under the control of satan, the evil entity ... and you are most likely being driven by demons like humans would drive a horse.
There is a LORD who delivers people from this prison, His name is JESUS CHRIST. Once you repent and believe in HIM, you will be delivered and become part of HIS Kingdom. Once you become part of HIM, you have power over satan and his demons. You could easily affect billions of people under the control of demons by praying against the demons from your tiny living space. It's a wonderful thing to be part OF GOD's Kingdom