Possibly - I just feel for all the small guys as what is happening really goes against the grain of Bitcoins - Bitcoins were meant to empower them.
Yes, BTC was meant to be as decentralized as possible, and fewer people mining more of the coins = less decentralized.
However, I do think that it will all even out eventually. Look at GPUs for example, $300 typically gets you 500-700mhs. You can get a $300 ASIC that does 4.5-5.5ghs.... or, you can get in line for one would be more accurate. Eventually the hardware demand for ASICs will level off and the small miners who want to continue will be able to do so, but they won't do as well as the folks who waited in line for it. That's the only real big difference, nobody ever had to deal with this kind of buying frenzy/scarcity with GPUs.
I do think / hope that scrypt mining will keep GPUs around longer than some would guess though.
Dude you summed it up perfectly with " nobody ever had to deal with this kind of buying frenzy/scarcity with GPUs." Law of unintended consequences.
As nobody has had to deal with this situation before the outcome could be very detrimental.
I can clearly see that what has happened is not good - all they have done is made something that was available to everyone (mining bitcoins) now the remit of the select few which is basically no different to banks.
If I could walk into PC World and buy an ASIC today then it would not be a problem - but this is so far from the truth. You can not even order an Avalon unit for example.
You said you can buy a $300 5ghs ASIC - you can not though - you can pre order one and hope that by the time it arrives you may be able to make your money back because none of the manufactures guarantee any kind of delivery date and that is if they are not using them to mine themselves which has been highlighted on other threads.
Put it like this someone that received an AVALON unit 4 months ago has made such vast sums of money they can order another 20 without batting an eye lid aka Exponential growth. By the time we get our hands on any we will have to order 30 just to be competitive - and we won't do that so we will be forced out leaving fewer and fewer miners.