These are the buzzwords that scammers use to lure people in and trick them out of their money. Bitcoin is the only one that is not a scam.
Many people enter the crypto market only to find this out the hard way after they lose their money.
If the government was doing their job ethereum and all the rest of the shitcoins would be shut down to prevent these scams from happening.
Of course that is why bitcoin exists because governments are totally clueless, incompetent and corrupt.
NFT, memecoin, altcoin aren't one entity, although I don't own any altcoin yet but I won't consider them all scams because there are coins and project in those sector that has proven themselves and stood the test of time.
I understand you don't want to have anything to do with them but calling all of them a scam is a wrong mentality.
Sorry but only idiots invest in altcoins which are good for nothing but promoting crap like NFTs and memecoins and getting hacked or rugpulled. Sorry but not sorry.
How many countless billions of dollars have been lost on ethereum over the years due to hacks and scams?
No one has ever explained to me exactly what ethereum and altcoins are good for other than stupid NFTs and meme coins, getting hacked and rugpulled.
With bitcoin the purpose of it is very clear and simple to understand. Bitcoin is nothing more than a store of value, like gold but only better. Period.
Bitcoin is an asset without an issuer which makes it a commodity. You cannot say that for anything else in the market.
When you introduce the human element (the issuer) it only leads to corruption and greed. Why would you trust people you don't even know and give them your money?
Why would you trust people you don't know not to scam you? With bitcoin you don't have to trust because it is an asset without an issuer, it is trustless.