It is very difficult to rely on taking out a loan because there is a return on the money we borrow after our affairs can be resolved. That's the point of having savings in anticipation of emergencies like that so we don't have to borrow money from other people or other places. Sometimes, borrowing money becomes a shortcut for people but they don't realize that the refund must be returned as soon as possible. There are some borrowers who provide interest for the money we borrow so that our debt becomes even greater.
If that happens, we are really in trouble to repay the money because the amount of money we owe is getting bigger and bigger. We definitely don't want to get into such difficult situations so we have to have some spare cash for those emergencies.
It is definitely true that we can't really make a big loan to pay off our debts, I did that back in the day, I am still paying off a bit of debt, not a lot, very tiny, like 50 bucks a month and it's fine, I could have paid it full as well but I wanted to keep it for something urgent and it happened and I spent it on that, and paying my debt easily.
But, if I had a lot of bitcoins, and it went up? Then I would have been rich enough to not take a loan at all and would have been able to pay it directly. This is why I am trying to save again and trying to get wealthy again, thanks to bitcoin price being so low, I can gather a lot and make a x5 profit in the near future.