How coincidental that Frizz23 is always making screen shots ...
I read BFL forums from time to time - hoping to get new delivery date updates. Once in a while I see a posting where I am 99% sure that it's gonna be deleted shortly (questioning his highness, Inaba, is a capital sin over there) - so I made a screenshot.
Two in total so far.
I wonder how many postings have been deleted, user accounts banned, - unnoticed - for similar "reasons".
Another one of your shill accounts is gone, isn't it Frizz23?
Paranoia, does that word ring any bells my little asshamster friend;)
Yeah right, looking for shipping updates at a Sunday night. Catching Frizz lying is easy, just follow his postings.
FRIZZ23 - Guaranteed 23 identities at least! -
Pre-Order Yours Today! No charge at all!`````` 24/7 - 100% totally devoted trolling! - go check him or one of his other identities @``````