How is he supposed to scam you when he advises to claim for free? The absolute worst that could happen is you click the claim-button and never hear of winspiral again. Too risky? OK, then stay away from it. That still does not justify to call it a scam in the meantime.
Thanks antiuser1
But on my 2 investment systems it is possibility to invest real BTC...
There I could scam.
yes I could scam people for an amount of 0.5BTC or so.
This morning i have sent $228 (for 2 years) or so to my website hosting.
Next week I have to pay for my domaine...
Soon for my other domaine and other web hosting...
Do you realy believe I want scam for 0.5BTC?
If you never hear about me,I believe it is not good for me first...
I'm 64 ...the risk is here...(lol)