I inadvertently compared dogma and logic and over generalized, I am sorry if I upset you.
While I am a designer (a commercial artist), every action I take, is affected by macroeconomics, and without prejudges I can totally understand other fields of economics unrelated to macro economics being influenced by macroeconomic dogmas.
I hope I don't seem fundamentalist but given the luxury of history, general knowledge, deductive reasoning, I can't reconcile genetics and economics without the use of dogmas.
It's hard to tell whether anyone on this topic is actually serious Anyway, let me reply:
1. It would make much more sense to start with hypothesis that Bitcoin economy is programmed by our genetics, and that can be actually confirmed by observation. Trying to see it in the other direction it doesn't make sense to me at all.
2. Even if fundamental principles of economics may be derived from logic (I disagree, but that's another discussion), human minds are not fully rational. They evolved to deal with natural phenomena and only during several last tens of generations we start to adapt to using maths and money in our decisions. For example how much of our decision making can be illogical I recommend a book like Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman.