on the other hand we have the bitcoin price failing to stay above $50k and all the FUD that came after that.
i can't predict the impact of all this on the price since the current $41k is already way below what the actual price should be, but i can expect a month or two of "fear" where people are scared of buying bitcoin and eventually start hoping for a drop so that they can buy more (something like what we saw during $30k period in the middle of 2021).
do you think January and possibly February could be the Fearuary months?
Fear months can turn into fear years pretty quickly. If history is any guide we could be in for 40 months of fear as the jump from $4K to $70K unwinds itself. Sure, there's always outside factors, but if you're taking a long time view of the market I think having some caution here and making sure you aren't invested with money you can't afford to lose is probably a good idea. If you've been eating ramen and stacking sats for the last 3 years, maybe it's time to sell a little and buy yourself a steak dinner. Had I told you a year ago that Bitcoin would be over $40K today you probably would have smiled, so my advice is to smile.