Coinwallet is a non-existing company. So whoever started the first spam-wave hid in the dark. The same is happening since then a couple of time. For me it looks like someone is preparing and fine-tuning a much bigger attack. The timing for this is perfect, for while the attacker is hiding, a lot of other discussions are going on and therefor give room for a lot of speculations about the background of the attack(s).
You might be right about "fine tuning" but since these attacks cost more and more money, and I know that with each attack my mobile wallet was adding more fees to compensate, making future attacks even more expensive. It would seems like the "fine tuning" would just be upping the price. Ie, if you had skipped the fine tuning and just saved your money from the first 3 rounds you could have executed a much more damaging attack in the 4th round. Do you know what I mean? Also, given these little attacks and the fact that miners are making new rules to compensate, etc, it seems like you're also giving warning to the bitcoin community and preparing them. Again making your future attacks much less damaging than if you had gone in with just one fell swoop and done the deed that way.
I know what you mean about coinwallet being anon-existing company, but someone was speaking up on their behalf and they were offering a rationale---even if it was a false one. These latest attacks haven't had any spokesmen, that I've heard about, and that seems a little weird, right?
The "spokesperson" was a guy who called himself "KingAfurah". His first post was in June:
We have not seen real stress test of spamming of the Bockchain (which is relatively cheap for around $5000 a day in useless transactions, cheap for a country like Russia, USA or China
"King Afurah" is online almost every day, but never ever writes something.
So there's a millionaire neewbie who claims to be with the Nigerian Army, representing wich isn't more than a defunct homepage (I registered there and tried for a long time to work with them - no response at all, and too many 'lorem ipsum'-parts on their homepage for being more than a fake...).
The only lead to a real person is when "King Afurah" writes that MultiBit is their partner. However, I never got any response from them when I asked...
Basically, the whole company/spokesperson-thing seems to be nonsense. All that sounds logical is that a stress test may cost about 5000 US a day.
But this test is going on and off without any explanation that the question has to be asked: Cui Bono....