CoinTerra strives to provide accurate and timely customer service. When possible we also connect with customers who are experiencing issues directly through PM here on, and will continue to reach out to ensure that all customers are given the support that they deserve.
Very Best,
Team CoinTerra
The quote mentioned above turns my stomach after the stress caused and time ive spent trying to contact you through every means possible. At the same time slightly pleased some of the customer service team is still active.
Also, why is what i said about cointerra in any way surprising, looking on the comments on their latest facebook status, i'm not the only one having this problems with Cointerra customer service and refund policy (or lack of). I thought it was common knowledge that cointerra has the worst customer service ever.
Yes I am a newbie on here.... an angry newbie at that! but certainly not a troll. Order: GV9022. As soon as i receive my refund i will be happy. i do not have any bad intentions when talking about cointerra, but until i see my bank balance refunded, i will continue to explain what has happened in my situation.
Can anyone here tell me if they have received a full refund from cointerra?
because i have yet to come across anyone getting their money back.
This is honestly (hand on heart) is the only non automated response (even though it looks like it may have been copied and pasted) that i have received from them since i accepted their refund offer. Funny how as soon as i mention my ignored cointerra requests on here I finally get a response by PM. It would have been a lot easier for cointerra to reply to my emails. there's plenty of them.
When will i be refunded is all i want to know right now? Thats my main concern. I do not get any pleasure posting on here about cointerra, Im not the type to even bad mouth any company. Im simply doing it to ensure that I get my money back.
Please give me a call cointerra, on the phone number that i PM to you so we can sort this out.
I really do hope i'm not coming across like a troll because i am genuinely concerned about my money.
I have all the emails to prove to anyone here, how bad the cointerra customer service is. i don't work for anyone or any mining company. I'm just an ordinary cointerra customer worried he will never see his money again. I do not have anything against the cointerra miners and have never said anything negative because i can't comment on a miner ive never actually seen.
All i want is a full refund. Not much to ask for considering Cointerra offered me the full refund. i accepted the full refund... then nothing.... every email and facebook and twitter message has been ignored ever since. So instead of ignoring me why not just send my money back to my bank? whats so hard about that cointerra?
Ok well i have PM you, lets see if you can get my refund finally sorted.
will be eagerly awaiting your reply.