I shouldn't say it here because it's a shame but no I have to admit that I'm not anymore a healthy unvaccinated person. And the pain is not only physical, it's mostly psychological. Because yes I let myself be raped like a coward to get a green pass now mandatory in my country. I feel like an Untermensch.
These days no one is healthy. Those who are vaccinated and those who are not, both of them are psychological sick.
I wonder when we will be able to overcome this covid pandemic. Its almost 2 years and no sign of recovery
You will overcome the disease when you start taking 30,000 to 50,000 units of vitamin D daily. But if you get Covid, Ivermctin will clean you up in a few days.
If you put 500,000 miles on your car, you can expect that it is just about dead in loads of ways. Changing the spark plugs won't heal it. Same with people. If they run themselves down so badly that they are beyond help, Ivermectin, vD, vC + zinc, or anything else won't help them. They are simply dead.
Look at what Matthew 1:1,2 says:
1Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.
Why did the Spirit lead Jesus into the wilderness. Several reasons. But one of them was to protect Him from His weakened immune system (40-day fast), where He could have been infected by diseases that other people had. It was a lockdown for good reason, unlike the Covid lockdowns of today where vD is readily available.