1) the ordinals concept generally is not that bad and has even some positive aspects,
ordinals v1.0 (the sat rarity)
is not a aspect that has any traits that are proven by blockchain data
its just user display of translation and given meaning by human decision. after the fact
decision and meaning that can be changed and not protected/fixed by blockchain data
ordinals v2.0 (the witness junk spam memes)
are just locked data store has no proof of transfer to specific new owner
when a pool creates a block and has a coin reward of a mile stoned blockheight. EG a "halvening height" block
reading blockchain data. you cannot tell which of the 6.25coins is most important
is it the first or last
you cant tell becasue if a blockreward is 6.3btc (reward+0.05btc tx fee total)
is the first spend the reward or the fee..
does the fee come first or last in the reward
are people transfer newcoin or just the regeneration of old coins that were fees
heres another thing
imagining it takes 625seconds to mine a block for a 6.25btc reward
is the most important say the first second/first sat. or the last second that actually solved the blockhash meaning the last sat
are sat important of a blockreward top down or bottom up
if the total reward is 6.3
can you tell if it is 0.05+6.25 or 6.25+0.05
again if someone then spends the coin
bc1qminingpool (6.3) -> bc1qpoolworker1 (1.26)
bc1qpoolworker2 (1.26)
bc1qpoolworker3 (1.26)
bc1qpoolworker4 (1.26)
bc1qpoolworker5 (1.26)
what in blockchain data PROVES that the most important rare satoshi is in which output
who deserves the rare satoshi.. top down or bottom up
the BLOCKCHAIN DATA cannot tell you this. thus its not a true system of proof
its assumption based on lack of blockchain proof and just software decision. where software can change decision without needing blockchain data security to uphold a rule stays or changes to adjust to the new rule
memes in the witness are not tethered to any output. thus again. which output deserves ownership. the blockchain cant prove it. its again just an assumption made in software where the software can again choose a different path/destined recipient as owner
as for those shouting "fee incentive to push fee up"
whom does it benefit
the spot market is the mechanism of pushing up to benefit the miners. they simply refuse to sell at a loss to put pressure on the market to rise.. it does not need bitcoin peer-2-peer fee's to rise PER USER to compensate miners
if anything MORE tx per block should be the mechanism if people want to assume that the peer 2 peer network fee is the thing..
more people all paying $0.10 is better then less people paying $10.00
when blocks of 1.5mb can have 3000tx
but blocks of 4mb have less than 1000tx
i do not see the economic benefit of such system