devinthedude how much are you willing to pay for it? 13:59
devbot Why would you hack my accounts? 14:00
devbot Have I ever done anything to you? 14:00
devinthedude because they were all the same user and password 14:00
devinthedude and you fell for a phish 14:00
devinthedude its a lesson somepeople have to learn 14:00
devbot I'm not paying you anything for the domain. Sooo 14:01
devinthedude ok cool, well enjoy 14:01
devbot Really? Man. How much do you want? 14:01
devinthedude reg fee I suppose 14:02
devinthedude $10 14:02
devbot reg fee? 14:02
devinthedude thats a good deal really 14:02
devbot What other accounts do you have access to? 14:03
devinthedude $10, the price you paid for it from godaddy 14:03
devinthedude not a lot because your email had a different password so I had to guess what sites you used 14:03
devbot Tell me which ones you have. 14:04
devinthedude whats was with the visa protection thing on your paypal BTW 14:04
devinthedude you dodged a bullet there however you dont that

devinthedude I'll tell you what 14:05
devbot It's a safeguard against people like you 14:05
devinthedude $50 and I'll undo everything 14:05
devbot Undo what? 14:05
devinthedude and refund the 0.05BTC to that dude I scammed lastnight with your coinchat 14:05
devinthedude change back all your accounts and tell you the names 14:05
devinthedude and sites 14:05
devbot I don't have $50 14:06
devbot Soo, I'm not sure what to tell you honestly. 14:06
devinthedude what do you have? 14:06
devbot I honestly only have .01 14:07
devinthedude ah rite, I can believe that, well, mayeb you might get some of your accounts back in a couple of days 14:08
devbot Are you being sarcastic? "ah rite, I can believe that" 14:09
devinthedude nope because you had lke $5 in your paypal account and fuck all transaction history, its usually an indicator if someone has got money or not 14:10
devinthedude by the way, you didnt hear this from me, but dont trust your "friend" alberth 14:11
devbot Why not? 14:11
devinthedude he's dishonest, thats all I can say 14:12
devbot He seemed like a pretty cool guy. 14:12
devinthedude have you got back into the coinchat account yet? 14:12
devbot No, I haven't 14:12
devinthedude I posted the password in chat last night so im locked out too

devbot has tipped devinthedude 0.8 mBTC! 14:13
devinthedude it was qwertyuiop though 14:13
devbot That's all I have on this acct as well. 14:14
devinthedude has tipped debot 0.78 mBTC! 14:14
devinthedude lol oh shit i meant to sent it back 14:15
devbot Can you send me the account info? Please man. They'll be no hard feelings. 14:16
devinthedude the password for devinthedev was qwertyuiop but when i logged out I posted the password in chat, looks like somebody changed it 14:17
devinthedude PM tradefortress 14:17
devbot Are you whiskers perhaps? 14:18
devbot Can you send me the account info? Please man. They'll be no hard feelings. 14:18
devinthedude for what account? 14:18
devinthedude yes i am 14:18
devbot For the Godaddy acct. 14:19
devinthedude ah rite, eh, 2secs 14:19
devbot Come on buddy. Please. 14:22
devinthedude lol, hold up i need to check whats in it again I cant remember 14:23
devinthedude and I'm trying to remember the pass 14:23
He comes back as MrHackerReal
MrHackerReal hello? 14:57
MrHackerReal hey dude, if you can come up with $20 in the next 24 hours you cna have all your stuff back 14:57
MrHackerReal but hurry though 14:57
MrHackerReal 14:57
MrHackerReal not a phish, dont login just read, im going to sell everything I hacked 14:57
MrHackerReal asdsadasdas 15:00
MrHackerReal you there? 15:00
devbot Hey 15:01
devbot Really man? Please don't do that. 15:01
MrHackerReal sorry dude, $20 isn't a lot of money, your from Florida not some poor place, you should be able to earn it 15:02
devbot #1 It's my company site. #2 I've never done anything to you #3 What you're doing is illegal. #4 Why would you betray coinchat like you're doing? 15:03
devbot What if I give you $4.99 that's in my Paypal acct? 15:04
MrHackerReal 1 So then pay for it 2. I don't know who oyu are 3. I know dude 4. i dont use coinchat, I only used it last night to phish some accounts, its a nice site tho 15:04
MrHackerReal i dont take paypal & no 15:04
MrHackerReal sell it for BTC and you only need $15 15:04
MrHackerReal more 15:04
MrHackerReal and you have 0.01BTC too, this hsouldnt be hard 15:04
devbot #5 I hope you have a proxy. 15:06
MrHackerReal lol! did you not read the chatlog on coinchat last night? 15:06
MrHackerReal Admin banned me 100k times 15:06
MrHackerReal each time ?I had a new ip and account in seconds 15:06
MrHackerReal read the chat dude it was hilarious 15:07
MrHackerReal I had to get a new ip and account every single time I post, he would insta-ban me 15:07
devbot MrHackerReal: You were a mod. Why'd you decide to do this to Coin Chat? 15:09
MrHackerReal lol 15:09
MrHackerReal who is this whiskers dude? 15:09
MrHackerReal i really want to know 15:09
MrHackerReal honestly this is my second day on this site 15:09
devbot Honestly, why don't you just send me my account info and we call it a day? 15:10
MrHackerReal nah, dont be cheap, you fucked up so you gotta pay 15:10
MrHackerReal either pay by not having your accounts or just straight up pay 15:10 Tip mBTC
MrHackerReal nobody else had a chance to get their shit back

devbot I'm not cheap. Come on man. All I have is $4.99 in my Paypal. and .01 BTC 15:11
MrHackerReal you only need around 0.19BTC 15:11
MrHackerReal and you havbe 24hrs, go get a job


I can make that face too. And what happens after 24 hours? 15:12
MrHackerReal i sell your shit to someone else 15:12
devbot And who would want that domain? 15:14
MrHackerReal its a $ 15:15
MrHackerReal someone will pay $1 for it 15:15
MrHackerReal atleast 15:15
MrHackerReal i could just host something on it too actually 15:15
MrHackerReal gayporn or someshit 15:15