
Topic: Are you good with photoshop? - COMPETITION (of sorts) (Read 2917 times)

Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Good luck, I remember you claiming you hacked coinlenders ages ago.

i never claimed that, i never had a coinlenders phish either, i have pillaged a large amount of accounts but never hacked/phished it i dont remeber saying i did i dont even think there is any coinlenders phishes care to post the domains? ill tell you who owns it if its a vps i recognise
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
i can explain this but sadly id have to give up 3 people and i cant do that, banhammer awaits me

this is a purchased account, thats all i can say right now, the person i boguht it off might be ascammer
Activity: 1316
Merit: 1043
    devbot Really? Man. How much do you want? 14:01
    devinthedude reg fee I suppose 14:02
    devinthedude $10 14:02

and what does that prove then? is it supposed to be related to the quote you posted?
Try reading the quote and this post

i dont see that proof anywhere sorry dude also last time i tell you about a bug in your sites your a dick, youve made an enemy is my target, ive always fulfilled threats so far, lets see what happens this time, dont get involed in other peoples shit espsecially when your wrong

Good luck, I remember you claiming you hacked coinlenders ages ago. Copying a HTML page to phish makes you a script kiddie on hackforums.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Trust me, I already knew that well before you sent me anything. You are that persona of BASICasic.

why wasnt what i pmed you ever made public? strange

anyways i had a lot more, but i dont like you anymore maged sorry we've been friends since 2011 crazy how it ends like this

like i said i aint basicasic, 3 people, i can anme them all, TK, thats all im saying, none of them are me
Activity: 1204
Merit: 1015
i no LOTS about scammers as i proved to you via pm
Trust me, I already knew that well before you sent me anything. You are that persona of BASICasic.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
It's proven that your forum account scotaloo has been phishing devinthedev. I can't prove that you didn't purchase the account afterwards, but that is irrelevant.

i dont see that proof anywhere sorry dude also last time i tell you about a bug in your sites your a dick, youve made an enemy is my target, ive always fulfilled threats so far, lets see what happens this time, dont get involed in other peoples shit espsecially when your wrong
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
    devbot Really? Man. How much do you want? 14:01
    devinthedude reg fee I suppose 14:02
    devinthedude $10 14:02

and what does that prove then? is it supposed to be related to the quote you posted?
Activity: 1316
Merit: 1043
if im banned i wont be able to prove otherwise as ive just proven to maged via pm im not basicminer and can disprove everything you say

    devbot Really? Man. How much do you want? 14:01
    devinthedude reg fee I suppose 14:02
    devinthedude $10 14:02

It's proven that your forum account scotaloo has been phishing devinthedev. I can't prove that you didn't purchase the account afterwards, but that is irrelevant.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
I have submitted my evidence to theymos. At the very least, all of the staff will know what to look for, now.

like i said, if i get ban im not helping you guys, i no LOTS about scammers as i proved to you via pm, give me a nick ill tell you the alts try me before i get a ban i know all the scammers and i hate everyone of them i work alone unlike those crazy fucks
Activity: 1204
Merit: 1015
I have submitted my evidence to theymos. At the very least, all of the staff will know what to look for, now.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
I'm sure the mods will be happy to check that the IPs match.

Thats probably all ive got going for me now it looks like, the ips do not match check them, fuck this shit anyways

if im banned i wont be able to prove otherwise as ive just proven to maged via pm im not basicminer and can disprove everything you say
Activity: 1316
Merit: 1043

    devinthedude how much are you willing to pay for it? 13:59
    devbot Why would you hack my accounts? 14:00
    devbot Have I ever done anything to you? 14:00
    devinthedude because they were all the same user and password 14:00
    devinthedude and you fell for a phish 14:00
    devinthedude its a lesson somepeople have to learn 14:00
    devbot I'm not paying you anything for the domain. Sooo 14:01
    devinthedude ok cool, well enjoy 14:01
    devbot Really? Man. How much do you want? 14:01
    devinthedude reg fee I suppose 14:02
    devinthedude $10 14:02
    devbot reg fee? 14:02
    devinthedude thats a good deal really 14:02
    devbot What other accounts do you have access to? 14:03
    devinthedude $10, the price you paid for it from godaddy 14:03
    devinthedude not a lot because your email had a different password so I had to guess what sites you used 14:03
    devbot Tell me which ones you have. 14:04
    devinthedude whats was with the visa protection thing on your paypal BTW 14:04
    devinthedude you dodged a bullet there however you dont that Tongue 14:05
    devinthedude I'll tell you what 14:05
    devbot It's a safeguard against people like you 14:05
    devinthedude $50 and I'll undo everything 14:05
    devbot Undo what? 14:05
    devinthedude and refund the 0.05BTC to that dude I scammed lastnight with your coinchat 14:05
    devinthedude change back all your accounts and tell you the names 14:05
    devinthedude and sites 14:05
    devbot I don't have $50 14:06
    devbot Soo, I'm not sure what to tell you honestly. 14:06
    devinthedude what do you have? 14:06
    devbot I honestly only have .01 14:07
    devinthedude ah rite, I can believe that, well, mayeb you might get some of your accounts back in a couple of days 14:08
    devbot Are you being sarcastic? "ah rite, I can believe that" 14:09
    devinthedude nope because you had lke $5 in your paypal account and fuck all transaction history, its usually an indicator if someone has got money or not 14:10
    devinthedude by the way, you didnt hear this from me, but dont trust your "friend" alberth 14:11
    devbot Why not? 14:11
    devinthedude he's dishonest, thats all I can say 14:12
    devbot He seemed like a pretty cool guy. 14:12
    devinthedude have you got back into the coinchat account yet? 14:12
    devbot No, I haven't 14:12
    devinthedude I posted the password in chat last night so im locked out too Tongue 14:12
    devbot has tipped devinthedude 0.8 mBTC! 14:13
    devinthedude it was qwertyuiop though 14:13
    devbot That's all I have on this acct as well. 14:14
    devinthedude has tipped debot 0.78 mBTC! 14:14
    devinthedude lol oh shit i meant to sent it back 14:15
    devbot Can you send me the account info? Please man. They'll be no hard feelings. 14:16
    devinthedude the password for devinthedev was qwertyuiop but when i logged out I posted the password in chat, looks like somebody changed it 14:17
    devinthedude PM tradefortress 14:17
    devbot Are you whiskers perhaps? 14:18
    devbot Can you send me the account info? Please man. They'll be no hard feelings. 14:18
    devinthedude for what account? 14:18
    devinthedude yes i am 14:18
    devbot For the Godaddy acct. 14:19
    devinthedude ah rite, eh, 2secs 14:19
    devbot Come on buddy. Please. 14:22
    devinthedude lol, hold up i need to check whats in it again I cant remember 14:23
    devinthedude and I'm trying to remember the pass 14:23
    He comes back as MrHackerReal
    MrHackerReal hello? 14:57
    MrHackerReal hey dude, if you can come up with $20 in the next 24 hours you cna have all your stuff back 14:57
    MrHackerReal but hurry though 14:57
    MrHackerReal 14:57
    MrHackerReal not a phish, dont login just read, im going to sell everything I hacked 14:57
    MrHackerReal asdsadasdas 15:00
    MrHackerReal you there? 15:00
    devbot Hey 15:01
    devbot Really man? Please don't do that. 15:01
    MrHackerReal sorry dude, $20 isn't a lot of money, your from Florida not some poor place, you should be able to earn it 15:02
    devbot #1 It's my company site. #2 I've never done anything to you #3 What you're doing is illegal. #4 Why would you betray coinchat like you're doing? 15:03
    devbot What if I give you $4.99 that's in my Paypal acct? 15:04
    MrHackerReal 1 So then pay for it 2. I don't know who oyu are 3. I know dude 4. i dont use coinchat, I only used it last night to phish some accounts, its a nice site tho 15:04
    MrHackerReal i dont take paypal & no 15:04
    MrHackerReal sell it for BTC and you only need $15 15:04
    MrHackerReal more 15:04
    MrHackerReal and you have 0.01BTC too, this hsouldnt be hard 15:04
    devbot #5 I hope you have a proxy. 15:06
    MrHackerReal lol! did you not read the chatlog on coinchat last night? 15:06
    MrHackerReal Admin banned me 100k times 15:06
    MrHackerReal each time ?I had a new ip and account in seconds 15:06
    MrHackerReal read the chat dude it was hilarious 15:07
    MrHackerReal I had to get a new ip and account every single time I post, he would insta-ban me 15:07
    devbot MrHackerReal: You were a mod. Why'd you decide to do this to Coin Chat? 15:09
    MrHackerReal lol 15:09
    MrHackerReal who is this whiskers dude? 15:09
    MrHackerReal i really want to know 15:09
    MrHackerReal honestly this is my second day on this site 15:09
    devbot Honestly, why don't you just send me my account info and we call it a day? 15:10
    MrHackerReal nah, dont be cheap, you fucked up so you gotta pay 15:10
    MrHackerReal either pay by not having your accounts or just straight up pay 15:10 Tip mBTC
    MrHackerReal nobody else had a chance to get their shit back Tongue 15:10
    devbot I'm not cheap. Come on man. All I have is $4.99 in my Paypal. and .01 BTC 15:11
    MrHackerReal you only need around 0.19BTC 15:11
    MrHackerReal and you havbe 24hrs, go get a job Tongue 15:11
    devbot Tongue I can make that face too. And what happens after 24 hours? 15:12
    MrHackerReal i sell your shit to someone else 15:12
    devbot And who would want that domain? 15:14
    MrHackerReal its a $ 15:15
    MrHackerReal someone will pay $1 for it 15:15
    MrHackerReal atleast 15:15
    MrHackerReal i could just host something on it too actually 15:15
    MrHackerReal gayporn or someshit 15:15

Activity: 1316
Merit: 1043
i purchased this account that post was already on it check post dates

Well you're still going to be banned, because otherwise the mods will set a precedent that if someone claims they purchased the account then they can remove responsibility.

Not my username

I'm sure the mods will be happy to check that the IPs match.

I do also have more, including your extortion attempt with devinthedev
Activity: 42
Merit: 0

its public domain that he was hacked thats not an admission of guilt
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Not my username

This is proof that you have phished devinthedev:

i purchased this account that post was already on it check post dates, i dont speak fucking romanian.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Fine, fine. I'll compile the evidence and have him banned tomorrow afternoon when I'm not so tired (unless someone gets to it first)...

1 It's pointless I've got a billion accounts
2 I like this ones username I'll stick to my own threads and keep this account clean
3 banning me wont get rid of me ever
4 im not the person you think i am
5 it will be the last time i help forum staff ever again and i have GB's of data on scammers here including TF
Activity: 1316
Merit: 1043
Yes you do. See this thread

This is proof that you have phished devinthedev:
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
Taking from my own experience here anyway - I made the mistake of letting someone who was banned stay after they ban evaded about a dozen times. That was a stupid decision, and something I'm not going to do again.

I'll compile what evidence I have from coinchat and make a new thread in scammer accusations.

I do not have a coinchat account.
Activity: 1316
Merit: 1043
Taking from my own experience here anyway - I made the mistake of letting someone who was banned stay after they ban evaded about a dozen times. That was a stupid decision, and something I'm not going to do again.

I'll compile what evidence I have from coinchat and make a new thread in scammer accusations.
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