yep holding all coin since 2013 mined.....currently mining LTC will eventually convert all LTC to BTC at some time to be determined
if all converted now would be over 100 BTC..end of life on KNC Titans mining LTC to convert to BTC maybe another 10 BTC or so ..till end of life I'd guess
so I've held thru 1100 usd coin and down to what was it 170 per btc....
so we will see i'm either 'brilliant' or 'clueless' time will tell
Likely NO in between.
wow you are so confident . wish bitcoin will not make us dissapointed in the future
well you talk to venture capitalists types (2013) and they say on such speculations..that the BEST you can ever find on such (like apple ii venture capital seed money etc stuff like that) is 50/50 risk ..if it is more then that would already be funded by folks with more $$$ then you!
Thus it is like you are in a big city...and there are to areas of land that they are gonna build an AIRPORT on have a 50/50 shot kinda HAVE TO do it ..or if you did not and your 'picked' land hit you'd be despondent.but you just 'have to' pick a piece of land and buy some ...such things would be obvious 20/20 hindsight win or lose..anyway look at crypto in the same light
(or as my dad said on such may work ..but mentally you make a bonfire in your mind..toss all the money into it watch it burn' and emotionally walk away (like vegas) if it works you are pleasantly surprised..if not knew the odds (supposedly with the bonfire in your mind so to speak) such is the way of 'speculation' etc
thus with btc and may go full beanie baby and tulips it may not...but I have say the for my price of an RV or Bass Boat in all if it tanks ...well hell 'the bass boat sunk' so to*t happens
so it either works as intended long term or we go 'splat' when the parachutes fail to open ...I will make more of a 'splat' then some but not as much as others I guess
anyway why they call this stuff 'speculation' you are speculating on an 'idea' of the future with few facts....thus the 'bet'
on the other hand in 2013 oct 18th when i got my knc jupiter 550gh miner at 1btc a day it was 150 usd end of nov it was over 1000 in 2014 say it was 2015 say it is 375 can grow slow ...I don't mind......
(confident hell ....just too far down in the hole to see daylight so took a nap)