Just like if you are gonna sign up at a crypto exchange, you would certainly want to know whether it is a really popular and fairly safe exchange, or just some random exchange with hardly any users or track record.
I use the term "Open Finance" because DeFi literally uses blockchains that can be considered quite centralized. So calling it DeFi gives people a false idea of what it actually is. Nothing much decentralized about using apps with random tokens totally owned and sold off by a company for the purpose of making profit. That's not decentralized finance, that's corporate finance (and insanely risky), but since it at least is crypto and not the walled gardens of the finance/banking industry I think it should be as differentiated from traditional finance just as it needs to be differentiated from Bitcoin's decentralization, so Open Finance makes the most sense I think. Not decentralized, not safe, but open and available to anyone unlike traditional finance.
I like the term OpenFi or DiFi (distributed finance), maybe it will be widely applied in the future, when we gradually abandon CeFi and need a clearer term to distinguish it from DeFi. Clearly, DeFi can reduce the decentralization of the Bitcoin network and reduce the value of BTC. That's why I want to know everyone's opinion on this issue