Lol it is clear OP is asking if you are rich because of gambling. I got your answer as no. Lol , do not worry I am not rich from gambling too because I never gamble a huge amount of money. I only gamble what I can afford to lose and that is around 0.03 per session. I am not a rich person and that is the most that I can afford to lose.
I think placing a bet large amounts is not a way to gamble properly. Placing a bet that will just make you spend money quickly, will only waste your money quickly. And that it may be people who are already rich are not going to bet large amounts, they will only play safe to entertain themselves. Wealthy people tend to play better.
yes, i am thinking the same with you except we have big money so we can place bet with large amount. i think its better if we play safe and not using big money but if we want to feel another experience then we can trying to place big money for once and see we can win or not but still its too risky for us.