Yes, Gatekeeper posted: "the solution is in here somewhere" quoting the sourcecode that would have cracked it even earlier without the typo by OP. The last hint by OP was #2103 which was precicly the post with the sourcecode until some posts got deleted.
Yes the solution is in here somewhere.....
Can you please provide a step by step guide?
Also, can you please tell me how can someone shift more than 26 characters? (sorry I don't know this)
No, I dont.
That means you are blind....
All the OP updates were passed on by the Gatekeeper.....
If I understand this correctly your solution is this:
as a seed for the darkwallet, correct? Please confirm because I will use that seed and check the addresses.
Yes, it
was and it is highlighted on the wow.jpg I have posted.
IMHO thats not how the world works sometimes.
Opinions don't count when evidence is presented.....
We all have our opinion but, can we all back it up with evidence?
This was posted when we Idiots didnt properly check the morsecode for 5 days. You can hardly use that for something that happends over a week later.
So when the OP (more or less) said no more clues - which means you have all the clues you need - did that sound to you that the OP made a mistake, eg: w -> W?
When the OP said no more clues it was merely a few hours before I solved it btw.....
So when did she decide that there was an error?
Yet your ending does not lead to the correct private key, does it?
Are you even paying attention to what I wrote?
My ending leads to a 12 word dark wallet seed.
Which is perfect considering that the starting point is a portrait of the dark wallet creators.
Now all of the above being said.
Whats your take in this?
Because obviously, you are attacking me without examining all evidence.
That being said,
YOU and itod are the people I have contacted in order to team up because I believed I had something and I needed help.
I still have my original PM sent to you if you wanna see it.
That being said, the msg was sent to you: « Sent to: shorena on: 05 July 2014, 18:57:04 »
I was already one step ahead of others but just wasn't sure if I did or not have something.
Fortunately, you didn't respond in time and I have cracked it myself which basically led me to the last step.
So, once again, whats your take in this?
You seem to be a good investigator yet lacking skills on my subject.
Why is that?
And btw, your PDF just happens to mention my username a lot of times.
What does that mean?
It means that I was on it from the very first moment and I have actually provided (apart from the minecraft shit which I hate).
You might have asked yourself why I didnt answer to this thread. I knew about it, but I didnt write. The sole fact that you made it "self moderated" discouraged me. If you actually wanted to reveal something, why would you need the ability to delete posts?
Will you delete this? Maybe. I hope you read it first and get your fucking act together.
Making my thread self moderated does not mean that I am not honest.
Besides, have you seen me delete anything from my thread?
I am not coin artist that deletes posts that "I don't want them to be there"
Now as to my fucking act.
My fucking act is way much better than all of yous that have competed in that game. (sorry I do not mean to sound like an ass here it's just that Shorena asked for it).
You were all fucking sleeping, doing jack shit while I was submitting dark wallet seeds based on THE REAL CLUES.
Once I hit the right one I got attacked, and your lovely OP (probably didn't like it) and started throwing a shitstorm of clues for you to BRUTE FORCE the private key.
Nice!!!! NOT!
Now, get YOUR fucking act together and follow the steps I took.
When you do that, let me know who has their fucking act together or not and IF you believe the OP made a mistake.
PS: Just for reference.
The msg I have sent to itod was on: « Sent to: itod on: 05 July 2014, 19:18:46 »
itod can verify if he wants that I did tell him that I am on to something but I needed help because I didn't know what I had.