I think the US has already tried a similar approach: This is the first generation that will be
less educated than their parents.
How's that working out?
... at the same time China has 10's of millions of engineers graduating over the coming decade. This may not end well.
The U.S. has basically a free education system if you go to a public school. The reality is education standards are worse than 10 50 or even 100 years ago. Most can't find Australia or England on a map or know basic algebra. The engineers and workers in the U.S pay all the taxes. We have a massive welfare system where a women with 15 kids actually expects to have everything paid for her. The majority expects massive amounts of free stuff. In China you are allowed to have one kid or face fines.
I don't know how we can be less educated when virtually everyone qualifies for student loans. The problem is education does not necessarily lead to wealth or remove you from poverty. In many ways it is worse because a person with a B.S. expects to be paid such and such so they end up in government with fat salaries. Many in government also seek degrees to get a bump in pay, even though they don't even need the degree.
Robert Reich is treated like a hero of the poor, yet in my humble opinion he is a financial terrorist to the workers and poor. His false solutions will only lead to the poverty it has already caused. Obama reminds me of Kirchner. Both are kind of cool cats which the welfare state just loves.
i really don't get the Tea Party. And you'll have to forgive me cause im not an american. i mean, they have some legitimate claims: their middle class wealth has been stripped from them and they have bore the brunt of the GFC. But, instead of blaming the obnoxious financial institutions which caused the crisis, they blame the welfare class.
And sure there are many people who rort welfare. there are many systems that could be improved. and there are governments who are not financially prudent and spend like buggery. But out and out the largest group of cheats and fraudsters come from the financial and banking and government industry.
Ive never understood why the tea Partiers blame the minorities for the sub prime crisis when it was the financial class who undoubtedly caused it. and now blame welfare and spending because many lower classes dont have a home to live in, a toilet to crap but just maybe a part time job to slave at. its attacking the symptoms and not the cause.