What branch should I checkout? blkchainagain? It looks like master is still .77
I am looking at line 29 of cppForSwig/Makefile, and it has "libpython2.6.a" in it. Is this how you meant to do it? shouldn't this be dynamic based on the installed version or something?
When I run "make swig", it (expectedly) errors out with:
g++ -shared -lpthread UniversalTimer.o BinaryData.o FileDataPtr.o BtcUtils.o BlockObj.o BlockUtils.o EncryptionUtils.o libcryptopp.a libpython2.6.a CppBlockUtils_wrap.o -o ../_CppBlockUtils.so
i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-g++-4.2: libpython2.6.a: No such file or directory
make: *** [swig] Error 1
I do have libpython2.7.a in "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/config/libpython2.7.a" What is the proper way to put that in the Makefile?
Also, it would be really nice if the dependency directory was easy to change. Something like a variable at the top of the file just like in the Satoshi client Makefile. I'm always having to edit the Armory Makefile to change the paths to "/usr/local/include" for my Mac.
Ahh. I was getting sick of compiling four different versions of Armory because of issues with the python versions. So, I modified the makefile to statically compile it in so that the python-version on the user's computer would no longer matter. Thus I won't have to split out different versions for python2.6 and python2.7 systems anymore.
I didn't really want to do this, but I've also had so many complaints/crashes due to it, and python is small enough, that static compiling makes sense. I see it doesn't come without consequences, though...
I'm really bad with makefiles, if you didn't notice. However, it changes very rarely. So you should be able to modify the Makefile once, and "git pull" the changes without overwriting it. I suspect you're doing a fresh checkout everytime, but if you pull instead, it will merge the new version with the Makefile changes you've made. It keeps the changes even when you switch between branches.
EDIT: On that note I just tested the .deb compiled on my 10.04 machine on 12.04 -- it previously didn't work due to this python-version issue, but now it does! I'm keeping it!
EDIT2: Let's compromise -- can you send me your Makefile with the modifications you would recommend? At the moment I'd just be taking a shot in the dark, because I don't fully understand the variability of the environments you are in. But I'll see what you're trying to do and I'll accommodate