
Topic: Armory wallet never received sent BTC from Coinbase (Read 1264 times)

Activity: 18
Merit: 0

Thank you to all that made this possible.
Thank you Thankyou

Activity: 18
Merit: 0
Bitcoin Core and Armory reloaded with
versions your stated
Rescanning and rebuilding databases
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
Icon #1 Bitcoin Classic ver 1.2.5 64 bit windows
Icon #2 Bitcoin QT gui node
Armory as stated before
I have been osetensibly searching my bicoin data base folder on my computer 136gb size since monday continuously night and day and it still has not completed its task
Thats where i am at
please issue instructions which i will follow as you say.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
i have followed all instructions to the best of my ability,
with the exception of the bizarre posting of this weeks"unasked for helper"
I have 2 icons for Bitcoin on mydesktop , one icon for Armory

I have no idea how i ended up with these other than following directions,
I certainly am not smart enough to improvise anything regarding versions of software etc
More to follow
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4314
I ran Bitcoin classic

Use Core.
i have now used Bitcoin Core to sync to network.
 and still No transactions show up

i have Bitcoin Classic ver 1.2.5 (64 bit)
not Bitcoin Core
so you ignored the previous advice to use Bitcoin Core? or you did and it didn't work immediately so you switched back to classic?

Also, you should use Armory 0.96.1 as it has many bug fixes. You can get it from here:
and Armory is ver 0.96.1-beta-b77932
thank you
and you still haven't updated your Armory to the latest release and are running an earlier beta?
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
 I also am following along , having the same problems, I started my own thread not to hijack.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
the rebuild is continuing and has not finished
therefore to post the log files
do i wait until the rebuild is finished? or do
i send them (log files) now before it is finished rescanrebuilding BTC database?
i have Bitcoin Classic ver 1.2.5 (64 bit)
not Bitcoin Core
and Armory is ver 0.96.1-beta-b77932
thank you
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4314
going on 36 hours of rebuild and rescanning the  136 gb database
its still working
will let you know outcome
This is the last message before that "helpful" person decided to intervene... What was the outcome of the the rebuild and rescan? Can you repost your armorylog.txt and dblog.txt log files so we can see whether or not things are syncing properly.

Also, confirm that you have upgraded to Armory 0.96.1 from here:
and that you are using Bitcoin Core 0.14.2 from here:

Activity: 18
Merit: 0
this is my 3rd attempt today to reply to your last post
i have to go  back and forth between screens to read the extraterrestial language you are using and just lost my second reply in doing so
I am not a propeller head
i think this forum is getting some kicks out of this ?? is my problem not worth anybodys time? Or is my experience routine and standard for your help group?
if my non delivered BTC are not recoverable, just say so
19 days and nights later i get this supernerd shorthand referenced languistic reply
that i am unable to comprehend. I dont even know what a Tx ID is, let alone reverse engineering something
So please get someone else to help me, or discontinue
Must i pay someone to get this done??
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1024
Start from the other and start going base. First of all make sure you have a TX ID. A lot of the exchanges and sites like coinbase have a security measure like an email that needs to be verified before they send out a withdrawal. Once you get past that get the tx ID, attract what's happening with it. If it has gotten that far one of the things you could do you start reverse engineering that particular transaction get the original hash out of it and then send it back to the network yourself if you're good you can even build in a higher Network fee.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
going on 36 hours of rebuild and rescanning the  136 gb database
its still working
will let you know outcome
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
I have not used them
but i will use them right now
thank you
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4314
Seems like Core is syncing nicely... so it's just that ArmoryDB is having some issues. Have you tried the "rebuild and rescan databases" option in Armory "Help" menu?
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
# of blocks 480540 as of 235PM MST (-7 hours GMT)
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
Blocks folder 136 GB
# of blocks in Bitcoin Core
480200 and this will increase as i
am syncing last 24 hours as i write this
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4314
If you rightclick on the "Blocks" folder and select "properties"... is the size of the folder around 135 gigs? If so, then that is definitely the storage for your Bitcoin Core install.

In the debug window in Bitcoin Core, what is the "Current number of blocks" that it shows?
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
I configured my windows to show hidden files.

after syncing bitcoin core this morning
there is no directory data on the help debug info screen
after i have reconfigured the hidden files command
shut off computer
synced bitcoin core..still no directory data on help debug info screen

i was able to locate the following

the following are listed in the bitcoin folder
subfolders are

files are
banlist(int explorer file)
fee_estimates (explorer file)
mempool (exp file)
peers (exp file)
wallet (exp file)

Activity: 2086
Merit: 4314
What does the datadir value say in Bitcoin Core? that is where your blocks should be... if it says the AppData directory tree, you may not be able to see it as by default it is a "hidden" directory. Google "show hidden folders windows" to get instructions for how to get  hidden folders to show in explorer.

Activity: 18
Merit: 0
Block info is 480279 with my last running of Bitcoin Core

I ran a search for C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin on drive C:
nothing found for that search string

I looked through my entire tree of drive C:
and found 2 entries

please advise

Activity: 2086
Merit: 4314
Your core does not seem to be synced properly:
-INFO  - 10:07:26.360: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:127) scanning new blocks from #469641 to #469640

Current height of BTC blockchain is: 480201

If your transactions were in blocks AFTER 469641, Armory can't see them... check that your Bitcoin Core is using the "datadir": C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\ and that is has blocks up to 480201

You can see this in "Help -> Debug Window -> Information"
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