
Topic: ARNO Token - a real nano technology solution | Details & ICO Info (Read 694 times)

Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Good day everyone

We will have a small announcement today. But very important to us.

As many of you probably know, recently the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree "On Digital Assets", which regulates the circulation of cryptocurrencies in Ukraine. For us, this, in particular, implies a completely legal opportunity to provide assistance to victims of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine in cryptocurrency (thank God, finally, I must say).

This does not mean at all that we previously shied away from charity. Just the other way around. It’s just that earlier we provided targeted assistance to children from Belarus and Ukraine with cancer and being treated either in Germany or in Israel (where they were provided with qualified assistance) through the Rachashei Lev and Meirim Tikva aid funds (well, several times directly UNIHelp Belarus) by transfer of part of our personal funds in EURO.

Now we want, with your help, to provide assistance and express our support, but legally and in cryptocurrency. In connection with all of the above, we decided to organize a charity sale of ARNO tokens. This means that when buying tokens at during the period of the charity event, you will not only receive ARNO itself, but also +15% bonus accruals for each purchase (regardless of the number of tokens purchased), and we will direct all the funds collected in cryptocurrency during this period to provide material assistance to victims of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine.

The promotion will run from tomorrow, 20.03 and will last for five (5) days, until 25.03.
We are confident that we will be able to provide real assistance to at least some of those who suffered from this war in Ukraine !!!
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Good evening everyone

It came all the same, as I did not delay it, it's time. It's time to talk about things that are sad and, perhaps, somewhere even unpleasant. 

In the middle of last month, I promised you several things at once. First, the results of independent tests on lead-acid batteries formulated with our additives. Secondly, stopping the current staking and starting a new phase, which would result in real payouts. It is, so to speak, at least. 

Unfortunately, the current reality burst into life extremely unpleasantly, and very cruelly and ugly.
This is not only and not so much even about our project with you, but about an extremely unpleasant situation in general. 

I can state with full responsibility that our project has never, neither before the current, extremely terrible, from our point of view, events, nor now had and does not have any ties with state structures of both the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Ukraine. 
Nevertheless, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood.
The direct entry of Russian troops into the territory of Ukraine took place and now there is a full-scale war.

I will not go into an assessment of current events in terms of finding out who is right and who is not - everything is bad.
It is frankly frightening that ordinary citizens of three countries - Russia, Belarus and Ukraine - have become hostages of politics. 

As for our project and its implementation, all these events affected us in four ways.
1. The project is implemented as a European one. Accordingly, falling under the jurisdiction of the EU, we fall into the functionaries for the implementation of sanctions against Russia and Belarus.
2. We have fairly large financial and intellectual interests in Belarus - our laboratory and testing complex, land, buildings, equipment and, most importantly, personnel, our scientific potential are located there. All this is located on the territory of Belarus. Our workers there are citizens of Belarus. They fall under both sanctions and increased pressure from the authorities - as they work for a European enterprise.
3. We had fairly large interests in Russia. Both financially and intellectually. We negotiated with Russian manufacturers on the use of our materials and technology licensing, most of the independent studies of the results of our activities were also ordered by us in Russia - both due to the high potential and competence of Russian performers, and due to their relatively low cost.
4. Almost a third of our partners, that is, the owners of the ARNO token, one way or another live or lived until recently in the territory of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. 

We thought for a very long time what to do with all this and how it will affect the further implementation of the project. To minimize both current negative and future even more negative (as it seems to us) impacts of political events on the implementation of our project, the following decisions have been made.
1. We are relocating our scientific and practical complex to Europe - to Bulgaria. Yes, it will be difficult, expensive, and you will have to give up a lot, apparently. But - we will save our potential from any negative influences.
2. Until further clarification from the authorities of the EU, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus regarding the access of citizens of these countries to the cryptocurrency market, we leave the old staking rules in place for all our partners, regardless of their place of residence and conversational environment.
3. We resume independent testing, now focusing on Europe and countries in Asia and America.
4. We continue to adhere to the roadmap of the project and try to provide it with more and more liquidity and increase its capitalization. 

That is, in essence, everything that I have stated above means that we are preparing the removal of property and people from the war zone, we are switching our efforts to Asia and America, and, since the main production, which is already operating, has not been affected by current events, we continue our activity in the same way. Adjusted for the fact that additional time will be needed for testing and deployment of research.
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
We already have a "backbone" of our common project with you - we can receive additives that are in demand for further production by a third-party manufacturer. And it doesn't really matter whether it's Monbat, 1AK, ACom or Johnson&Jonson, it's important that they are ready to buy, and almost "off the wheel".
That is, we already, after the production of the additive, however, still on such third-party, so to speak, raw materials, and its sale, there was some profit, not connected with the cryptocurrency, but connected with real production.
It is clear that it would be frankly very unfair on our part to deprive you of the opportunity to participate in the received, albeit still small, but still profit In this regard, we, as a project team, in order to increase the total capitalization of the project, increase the liquidity of the ARNO token, and also, in connection with the possibility of implementing the tasks set for us, decided on the need to pay part of the profit received in the process to holders of ARNO tokens project implementation.

In order to further, already overdue, increase the liquidity of ARNO, we are switching from the old staking on the site, when you were accrued ARNO based on 5% profitability per month, to a new method of accrual on the tokens you invested in staking.

Staking, in its current form, will be stopped on February 28 this year and, starting from April, will switch to new accrual principles.
All tokens that are currently staked will again be transferred to your personal accounts in your personal accounts on the site New staking rules and a mechanism for accruing real funds on your newly invested ARNO will come into force in early April.
You will be given the opportunity to choose to invest already purchased or newly purchased ARNO tokens in obtaining real passive income in cryptocurrency. Staking will be based on the native Erc20 blockchain for ARNO, so it will be possible to invest from 500 to 1000 ARNO at an interest of 9% per year, from 1001 to 2000 ARNO at 10% per year and more than 2001 ARNO at 11% per year with the possibility of withdrawing to your wallets or monthly payments default in USDT.
You will be able to transfer ARNO from your personal accounts at site to staking. Transferred tokens will be converted into USDT at the time of transfer at their market (read - exchange, synchronized with the IndoEx exchange) value and the amount in USDT will be explicitly duplicated by the entry in your personal account.
This amount, recalculated in USDT, will accrue interest, although you will have ARNO in staking. Now about the rest of the conditions, which is important. The ARNOs you contribute to the staking pool will be frozen for half a year, that is, more precisely, for 180 days. The first payout in USDT, regardless of the amount of ARNO deposited, will begin after 90 days and will in any case amount to 2.5% of the invested ARNO in terms of USDT.
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Good evening everyone

In any case, regardless of whether we have two-factor user identification on the site, which some of you dream about and which some of you require, or whether we don’t have it and we build protection on other principles, we have another one for you. , so long awaited by you news.

Now, in your personal account on the site, you can independently transfer ARNO to your Bsc20 standard wallet, specifying the appropriate data for withdrawing tokens.
The transfer is carried out "one to one", that is, without losing the amount acquired or earned by you.
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Good evening everyone.

Our WhitePaper is posted on the site today, with a complete roadmap for the project for the next year.

As you can see, the number of laboratories and production facilities has been somewhat expanded there, where independent testing of our technology and the results of its application is currently underway.
This is due to the fact that we do not stop our work and do not get hung up both on the already proven technology, which is the backbone of the ARNO Token project, and on the only, albeit large, manufacturer.

At the moment, we, as very likely future partners in the implementation of our long-term plans, are already considering two more not-so-small manufacturers - the Russian company AKOM Group (Engels city) and the Belarusian OEM company - the largest manufacturer of batteries for car assembly lines 1AK (1st Accumulator Company) with its new plant at Brest.
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Good day

That is, as everyone hopes, the period of stock market stagnation has passed, and the cryptocurrency is in the process of recession. Which cannot but rejoice.

We have formed a general work plan for this year. It is already available on the website in the form of a roadmap.
The changes and the updated roadmap will become available in the updated version of WhitePaper
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
We have posted for you a video with a story about working on a new prototype, which will be used both for general testing (therefore we are doing several at once in different configurations) and for European certification.
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Good time everyone.

Dear our partners and those who would only like to become them.

The holiday of Christmas (Catholic) and New Years is approaching.
In this bright and joyful time for all of us, the ARNO Token project team is pleased to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, to wish you, first of all, good health, happiness, luck, financial well-being and the fulfillment of your deepest desires in the coming New Year.

And, of course, we will not stand aside and have prepared a Christmas Surprise for you.

Starting from 23.12 and to 26.12, in honor of Christmas, we are announcing additional bonus accruals for each of your ARNO purchases made at this time on our website (according to the exchange rate).
In addition to the usual bonuses, we will provide you with + 7% of the total amount of ARNO tokens purchased by you upon purchase.

For everyone on the site, staking of the ARNO token is organized at a rate of 5% per month. At the same time, both tokens purchased on the site and tokens purchased on any of the exchanges can be involved in the process.

Once again, all of you health, happiness, luck and prosperity.

ARNO Token project team
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Good day everyone.

Many of you know that we held an IEO back in early autumn, but in various social networks and support services, questions constantly arise about how to buy or sell ARNO.
Since the information was somewhat scattered before, here is a complete list of places where ARNO is available.

We are already represented on 4 exchanges - three centralized ones - CoinsBit (50th exchange according to various ratings), Indoex, P2PB2B and decentralized Uniswap.

In addition, ARNO sales are also carried out on the website of our project (the cost is synchronized with that on the Indoex centralized exchange).

For everyone on the site, staking of the ARNO token is organized at a rate of 5% per month. At the same time, both tokens purchased on the site and tokens purchased on any of the exchanges can be involved in the process.
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Did you know that we have a blog of our project on the XAngle platform?
If you suddenly do not know Chinese - do not be upset, you can recommend it to your Chinese-speaking friends and partners from the Middle Kingdom.
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Trading in the ARNO/USDT pair is open on the Coinsbit exchange
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
They tried to break us again yesterday.
The attempt was unsuccessful, well, as usual.
We apologize for not having access to the ARNO project site for some time.
At the moment, everything is already working as usual.
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
As you probably know, we have a prototype of a finished product, which we are aiming at mass production.
With a test bench.

The problem is that it has been undergoing tests for over a year at the secondary energy experimental station at SunValley.
This is a division of KACST (King AbdulAziz City for Science and Technology, analogues of the Academy of Sciences in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).

Despite the complete success of the prototype tests, it would still have to stand there, having worked actively - so we will know not the test, but the real resource of our drives.

In this regard, our team made one very important decision.
We are starting the production of two more prototypes - one for demonstrating the performance and basic elements with us, with a full-fledged test bench (especially since it will be useful later for serial testing), the second - for testing in a specialized European laboratory, in Italy (a division of MONBAT) and subsequent European Certification.

The creation of two prototypes and a test bench will take at least 3 months (rather, about four), but this, in our opinion, will be worth both the effort and the money spent.
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
In the near future, the function of replenishing the account will be available, for placing on staking, with ARNO tokens from any wallet. Profitability 5% in 30 days

For those who wish to do this right now, without waiting for a fully technical implementation, and who have ARNO either in their own account at or on their own wallets (withdrawn from the site or purchased on exchanges), can use the mail [email protected] and write about his desire.
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
As we promised, we bringing to you an information about the accrual of bonus ARNO tokens for those of our partners who made a purchase during the PerICO period, before the start of the IEO.

From the 10th day of this month (November), in your personal accounts, + 70% of the total number of purchased ARNOs will be credited to the tokens you bought (without bonus).

All accrued tokens will be "by default" transferred to staking at

The placement yield will be 3% per month.

The minimum placement period is 3 months.
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Carefully !
Another scammer has appeared who pretends to be our CEO, he even put a photo of him.
@Artem_Zhdan0K, zero instead of the letter o.
Usually, in a private chat, he offers to sell ARNO with a 20% bonus.
This is a fraud! Be vigilant and careful!
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
A short video from the production. Demonstrates a new line for the dispersion and activation of carbon nanomaterials. Photographed in the morning before performance tests.

Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Well, and some more press.
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Secondly. From today, a new Telegram channel has been organized separately for our Indian partners and for those Hindi-speaking people who would only like to become them.
Communication in English and Hindi, while a new member of our team has been appointed as a moderator - Hosen Redovan - callsign @Redowan_Hosen
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