Anonymous teams can still be trusted as long as the distribution model is fair. IF they hold a bunch of premined coins or implemented a founder's tax then it is best to stay away from it. Many people thought bitcoin was a complete scam when they first heard about it. Even today many people I know still call bitcoin a scam.
you answer is to general and not specific ,
1. most of the Anonymous projects are scams if not all of them.... project which is Anonymous fully its 100% scam mate , but sorry to say your logic is far away from be sharp,
if you bring the next BITCOIN and everything is great and top team from google and amazon for example ** why to be Anonymous??? did you ask this why???
its only one point lets look the next point...
everybody want to be famous, and founders and be known and other stuff like i am rich.....its fucking the nature of the human mind, its so simple....
if project come Anonymous its most of the time scam and very smart...its happend in this place over and over again ...
after all this if great top team is Anonymous about their new top coin project its mean they Anonymous in other projects for several reasons ,
like for example chelsea e. manning going to get chunk of cryptos she is exposed things on wiki leaks and need help this people know where to put money...
the end point they Anonymous in all projects in all verticals...its mean satoshi team did other great project in other things they was Anonymous,
you need sharp logic to get it relative to you **
then you say: Anonymous teams can still be trusted as long as the distribution model is fair.
its not right people scammed very hard even the distribution model was fair, and this is why Anonymous projects dont grow anymore.
then you say: Many people thought bitcoin was a complete scam when they first heard about it. Even today many people I know still call bitcoin a scam.
nothing new about this people dont have deep knowledge in tech and what is peer to peer and other stuff, the smartest was know its not scam but only few ...and it very hard to explain why...
but satoshi team is Anonymous in whatever they do on the internet and they know why //// they not Anonymous for to be cool....and if there is top coders and team its better to be open who they are.....
after all this
if the same team or other very smart team come with the best new coin they need to create TRUST* its hard equation how it will be done,,,
and there was here project of bitcoin that was from china and Anonymous and open source and fair premine after all this they scammed everybody here hhhhhhhhh
you logic is just not sharp as very simple why to be Anonymous if you have top team and top coin.....and if yes its mean they Anonymous in whatever they do on the internet...
i will find the name of the project which scammed everyone here and spiked to 2k and people fucking was in deep shit after everything was exposed..
now you get whythey need TRUST this day compare when the fisrt time bitcoin was created and there was no sccams