“mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited.The “vaccine” fails to meet the following five requirements to be considered a vaccine, and is by definition a medical “experiment” and trial:
The Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines do NOT Provide immunity to the virusThis is a “leaky” gene-therapy that does not provide immunity to COVID. The vaccine is claimed to reduce symptoms. Yet skeptics claim that double-vaccinated people represent 60% of the patients requiring ER or ICU care.
Does NOT Protect recipients from getting the virusOpponents argue, this gene-therapy does not provide immunity and double-vaccinated people can still catch and spread the virus.
Does NOT Reduce deaths from the virus infectionThis gene-therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Double-Vaccinated infected with COVID have also died.
Does NOT Reduce circulation of the virusThis gene-therapy still permits the spread of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.
Does NOT Reduce transmission of the virusThis gene-therapy still permits the transmission of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.
The COVID Nuremberg trail is needed because the “experimental” vaccines violate all 10 of the Nuremburg Codes according to the litigators.
Nuremburg Code #1: Voluntary Consent is Essential
No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed consent.
Nuremburg Code #2: Yield Fruitful Results Unprocurable By Other Means
The gene-therapy does not meet the criteria of a vaccine and does not offer immunity to the virus.
Nuremburg Code #3: Base Experiments on Results of Animal Experimentation and Natural History of Disease
This gene-therapy skipped animal testing and went straight to human trials
Nuremburg Code #4: Avoid All Unnecessary Suffering and Injury
Since the rollout of the U.S. experiment, the CDC VAERS reporting system cited lots of deaths and vaccine injuries. Same in EU and rest of world.
This is a grievous violation of this code.
Nuremburg Code #5: No Experiment to be Conducted if There’s Reason to Think Injury or Death Will Occur
Based on the aforementioned deaths and side effects, this “gene-therapy” is injurious and must be banned.
Nuremburg Code #6: Risk Should Never Exceed the Benefit
COVID-19 has a 98-99% recovery rate. The vaccine deaths and adverse side-effects recklessly compete against this high natural recovery rate
Nuremburg Code #7: Preparation Must Be Made Against Even Remote Possibility of Injury, Disability or Death
There were no preparations made by Pfizer, Moderna or its backers.
Nuremburg Code #8: Experiment Must Be Conducted by Scientifically Qualified Persons
Politicians, media, and Hollywood actors claimed that these vaccines were “safe and effective,” but they were not qualified to judge.
Nuremburg Code #9: Anyone Must Have the Freedom to Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time
Despite the outcry from more than 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists, and epidemiologist, the experiment is not ending
Nuremburg Code #10: The Scientist Must Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time if There’s Probable Cause of it Resulting in Injury or Death
It is clear in the statistical reporting data that this experiment is resulting in deaths and injuries. Yet all the politicians, drug companies, and so-called “experts,” are not making an