LN will never be solution, Satoshi said that onchain transactions will support miners in the future, with LN there is no fees for the real miners that support blockchain, with time the fee of one ON-CHAIN transaction will be huge.
Only fools who say LN will solve all scaling problem, besides LN still need on-chain transaction to open & close channel.
IMO LN only useful for those who often make micro-transaction.
LN will have low fees but On-Chain will have a impossible fee to pay and who will rule the LN chanels will be the same as banks, we are not in control of our money!
LN basically bunch of un-broadcasted transaction with timelock, we have control over our money. The real problem is when other party is unresponsive or non-cooperative where we're forced until timelock expired.
We need to think about a scalling solution that splits the blocks in blockchain groups, like group A, B, C and so on, that number of groups will be bigger with the number of nodes running, that way the size of block will be always 1MB by node, node type A, node type B and so on, they could be splitted in many 1 MB parts of a block an tested online like SPV wallets.
It's called Sharding & already exist for years. The hard part is convincing the community to use sharding.
If bitcoin was used by all the people of the world they will not to be all nodes, so, we can have one node for some % of people, the same way we dont need to have 100% full node information by each node, so, we can split like prunned nodes, some have some blocks, some have other blocks, that way we can scale blocksize and if we scale blocksize we can have some pruned nodes registering 1st 1 MB of the block and other nodes registering 2nd 1MB and others registering 3rd 1MB of the blocks, why not?
Irrelevant, regular people don't bother run full nodes, they will always rely on SPV or custodial wallet.
If we make this auto-scalling by the number of existing nodes and transactions we can do it without Lightning Network bullshit that its even worst as banks!
To verify total of full nodes, a node must connect to all full nodes where :
1. Most device can't connect to thousand nodes at once
2. De-anonymization because all nodes who broadcast a transaction/block
3. Full nodes have low default incoming connection limit (AFAIK it's 125)
To solve the huge number o information in all network there is another solution, we start to delete 1st blocks of blockchain after some number of blocks, example GENESIS block can be deleted and the money still in that address can be reward for miners, this is the best solution for any database, all databases in the world cant grow up infinitely, that is fisically impossible and will waste a lot of resources, so we need to start do delete blocks sooner or later, why dont do the perfect machine now and dont let problems for future generations solve like Y2K in year 2000 ?
Pruned mode already realize your idea, user just need to store set of UTXO, recent blocks & all blocks header (which is only 80 bytes/block).