This isn't exactly the most ringing endorsement, because by portraying bitcoin as the other side of the "barbell" against blue chip stocks, he's suggesting it's the hyperaggressive high risk portion of the barbell strategy. Probably pretty accurate advice, but the implication is probably not what people invested in bitcoin necessarily want to hear.
talking about bitcoin as a high risk is actually good and sound investment advice, afterall we dont want noobs buying bitcoin and then crying because their favorite actor said they should buy it, as if an actor is guaranteeing them compensation if they lose.
proper investors see this as a good thing, that they would weigh up the pro's and cons and make good investment decisions. bitcoin should not be thrown in the faces of people that have never day traded in their life, it should be approached with atleast a moderate amount of research.
this is why average joe is not ready for bitcoins, because bitcoin has not yet reaches the pivital point of daily use mainstream wise. throwing in life savings of a noob i would never recommend, but telling a noob to invest $25, to dip their toe in and learn about bitcoin i would fully endorse