Come on guys, where's your team spirit?
thats the spirit! come on FC! AM roxx!
Still a fan, for a start up they have done incredible and nothing short of it.
Im hopeful but not a believer having sold the bulk of my shares @ 4.5, then 2.5, then a few at 0.5 and finally all but 5 at 0.2-0.25.
Having been watching the "news" for some time and its been unimpressive so no reason to hold (for me) but I idly speculate still and would likely rebuy some if I saw promise in any future announcements.
Why do I suspect retain a large amount of hashing power ? (warning please done tinfoil hats and suspend disbelief):
Ever since the decline of AM's hash % from 30 to 10, then 1% the hash rate of the pool steadily rose to achieve first 30% then finally 50%+ (after which point mining on their own private pool would endanger their own profitability) with the difficulty spiking insanely, FC deployed as much as the DC could take OC'ing all gen1 chips and was still unable to maintain an edge.
Thanks to this move, they also managed to destroy any chance of a profitable gen3 farm for AM simply by being able to calculate from the available specs FC predicted by raising the difficulty past the point of these chips easily/ever achieving ROI.
As a follow on move, they destroyed the expected capital of gen3 there for knee capping their main competitor at the time.
Currently I believe they maintain as much hash ratio as they can without damaging their own immediate profit, as a side benift this also wards of future investors whose risk vs return raises drastically.
Finally I believe a company as aggressive (and with 0 regard for the community) as ghash+bitfury would be smart enough to invest their profits in future chips to ensure they can deploy the moment an opponent attempts to spike the global hash rate by more than 1% (ensuring the competitor cannot achieve ROI).
(tinfoil hat off now).
so if your a bit paranoid from what has been observed from the last ~8 months performance like myself you would have little confidence in AM atm.
My one consideration is that FC is trying for a hail Mary shot where he remains silent about specs then bulk deploys via his franchise blowing ghash+bitfury out the water entirely (ie go nuclear with the hash rate). If anyone at all in the bitcoin community is capable of attempting and achieving some sort of success with this method it would be FC.