40nm, 7GH/s per chip, 5Watts, 0.775Watts per Gh/s
How can we compare these? How to compare J/Gh with W/Gh, anyone? thanks
ASICminer : 40nm, 12.8GH/s per chip, 0.72V, 0.35J/GHash
AVALON : 40nm, 7GH/s per chip, 5Watts, 0.775Watts per Gh/s
from google >
Joules to watts calculation formula
The power P in watts (W) is equal to the energy E in joules (J), divided by the time period t in seconds (s):
P(W) = E(J) / t(s) >>> watt = joule / second
DC volts to watts calculation formula
The power P in watts (W) is equal to the voltage V in volts (V), times the current I in amps (A):
P(W) = V(V) × I(A)
EDIT : ning, thank you ! so ASICminer *theoretical* specs are at least 2x better than AVALON offering. Lets see if Friedcat is able to deliver.
Bitmine.ch also announced 0.3J/GH, but failed to deliver. I don't want to start any speculation, but it seems very very low and i don't think it's achievable right now. Time will tell.